
The Foundation of Educational Systems

571 words | 2 page(s)

The systems of education differ between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. However, both educational systems have a common main objective, which is creating an educated populace. The differences between these educational systems reflect the different culture and beliefs of each country. While the main educational objective is a common one, the educational systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States have opposite foundations. These opposing foundations include classroom design, responsibility for the cost of education, and the wearing of school uniforms.

One obvious difference is seen in classroom design. Because Saudi society focuses on the separation of males and females, the authority of their educational system is responsible for organizing separate educational buildings for boys and girls. One reason why the classes are separate is because the Saudis believe that boys’ and girls’ brains work differently, therefore boys and girls learn differently. They also separate the genders to minimize distractions within the classroom. In contrast, America’s educational system has coeducational classes. In most American schools, starting with primary education through to university level studies, classrooms are designed to include students of both genders. Moreover, many Americans consider this kind of educational system helpful for students to develop and learn the needed skills to communicate with the opposite gender. All in all, a classroom based on gender separation versus gender inclusion is one of the differences between the educational systems of the United States and Saudi Arabia.

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Another area of educational difference between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the provision of education and its costs. While in Saudi Arabia the government provides free education to students’ at all academic levels, the government of the United State does not. Instead, its citizens take care of educational costs and related expenses, through taxation and personal resources. As a result, most Americans must get a loan of some type to be able to complete their education at the university level or higher. In addition to paying for its students’ education, Saudi Arabia also provides free books and a monthly stipend for students who attend classes regularly. On the other hand, students who attend university level classes (or higher) in America have to pay for tuition and books, as well as other necessary expenses.

The mandated wearing of school uniforms is yet another difference between the two educational systems. Generally, students in the United States have the freedom to choose the clothes they wear to school, thus perhaps encouraging students’ right to freedom of expression. However, the wearing of school uniforms is mandatory in Saudi Arabia, predominately for the purpose of providing student discipline. The Saudis’ also believe the wearing of uniforms help students have a sense of belonging in their educational environment.

In summary, even though the educational system in Saudi Arabia appears very much unlike the system in the United States, the same basic goals remain; the development of society, and the contribution toward raising the quality of life within members of society. The differences between the two countries’ educational systems arise because of very distinctive cultures and beliefs. Those distinctions thus affect the specific educational system of those who live and learn in each country. Hence, classroom design, responsibility for the cost of education, and the wearing of school uniforms are definite contrasts between the educational systems of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America.

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