
The Framework For Collaboration Marketing

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The internet and cloud solutions have given us the opportunity to operate from anywhere, on any gadget, any time. Having accessibility and convenience opens up the communication lines within the organization, which in part benefits the marketing department. Marketing collaborates not only with the whole company internally, but with different agencies, customers and consultants externally.

Problem Statement:
In order for the Sonoma County Tourism company to be deliver real time results, the organization is seeking a secure cloud based platform that enables the marketing team to rapidly connect with the content, resources and people they need to get their work done effectively and efficiently. In doing so, the power of social networking will lend a hand in content creation, real-time communications and project management.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Marketing planning needs to have a solid strategy on how we could capture customers.

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Teradata is a cloud computing software that offers integrated marketing application that let you automate processes and power multi-channel campaigns with data driven insights. It will systematically strategize with Marketing and IT; empower the organization to capitalize on customer data, and measure operational insights. This software was designed around the concept of data-driven marketing. In regards to marketing planning, the software helps manage the campaigns and special projects while being in line with industry regulations and keeping projects on time and within budget. Benefits include

Properly allocate fiscal and human resources
Satisfy industry regulations and brand standards through an established review process
Measure and optimize marketing performance
Enhance accountability for your marketing spend
Generate actionable reports that show qualitative business results
Minimize internal silos

Bluesoftware use digital campaigns to helps companies workflows, asset management and publishing processes. They use cloud computing and is mobile compatible, the benefit to digital marketing is that one can respond quickly to opportunities. BLUE offers agility at every stage of the digital publishing process. They emphasized the brand recognition through artwork, video, ads, product photography and copy, and more.
Benefits include:
Easy/intuitive access to key performance metrics
Enables more timely, insightful business decisions
Continually improve production performance
Quick date discovery-report, visualize and analyze data easily to identify trends and exceptions.

Intuit Quickbase
Intuit platform offers to bring teams together including marketing, sales, research, product, creative and PR to make marketing efforts more effective, integrated and consistent. Safely disseminate critical data with staff, contractors, shareholders, or vendors. Allow users to access and share information from a central place. The software features they have set up help with understanding the effectiveness of the marketing initiatives, by forming tables, dashboards, reports, and other app building blocks can be adjusted to suit your distinct processes.

Holding employees accountability is important to keep the team on task, so this software allows the user to automate the workflow and repetitive tasks with smart forms, alerts, notifications, and reminders.
Campaign Management

NetSuite Campaign Management allows the user to develop and maintain highly targeted marketing promotions based on purchase trends, demographics, support histories and response patterns. With NetSuite, one can constantly adjust their campaigns and exploit ROI with ability to track results in real time.

Key Benefits
According to NetSuit (n.d), the benefits include;
Manage, follow, and analyze all marketing promotions such as email, events, direct mails and multi-channel campaigns in one application.
Analyze promotion data and ROI from the beginning of the marketing promotion to the last order transaction.
Segment your data to achieve personalized marketing of your services and products.
Group and evaluate the number of touch points required to make a lead through your sales process.
Create promotion content quickly through templates

Their SaaS platform enables marketers to easily integrate data, campaign management and cross-channel execution. Their targeted campaigns are based on customer behavioral, which gives insight to the client to ensure success. They use business and social intelligence to engage with the customer so that the business can maximize on the opportunity to gain customer loyalty.
Ability to seamlessly integrate customer data, campaign management and execution into an orchestrated communication strategy
Ability to insight into consumer behavior through “always on” predictive analytics
Ability to move quickly and leverage proven CRM best practices that align with the companies brand
Ability to efficiently and effectively engage with customers across the right communication channel.

Since ClickSquared is customer centric, they implemented cross-channel Marketing hubs to enable marketers to gain critical insight through data visualization interface that makes it possible to see customer trends and opportunities and then take swift action to choose target audiences for marketing promotions and programs.

With Marketo software the program is designed to build relationships with leads over time and maintain awareness with the customer. Some of the features it includes is that the content can be shared in the design tool, and the design tool is user friendly from the reviews. But some of the challenges with the software is that it lacks content management functionality such as date deadlines, version control, and check-in/checkout file management, which is not good for security reasons.

The benefits as outlined in CRMsearch.com. (n.d.) include:
The Marketo user interface enhances consumer technologies to achieve a simple and satisfying user experience.
Marketo is a holistic marketing automation software system which is specifically easy to run.
A quick to use, fast time to value marketing software solution.
Marketo has particularly stringent integration with Salesforce.com. Marketo was designed using Salesforce.com technologies, like Force.com, and struggles to remain up to date with Salesforce.com versions and new innovation.
With the acquisition of Crowd Factory and the consequent delivery of Marketo Social Promotions and Marketo Social Boost, the company is lobbying for a leadership position in relation to social marketing.

Customer Analytics
Before investing in cloud analytics, the organization needs to know who and what will need to be involved. Proper planning is necessary to ensure that the analytics get properly dispersed within the organization to help the challenges they might have in their business. According to Aberdeen’s January 2012 Customer Experience Management: Using the Power of Analytics to Optimize Customer Delight research, the top challenge facing 48% of companies with Customer Experience Management (CEM) initiatives is integrating customer insights within existing business activities (i.e. marketing). (Customer Experience Management n.d). Customer analytics tools provide the remedy to this challenge by helping companies extract crucial insights from customer data gathered through multiple channels (e.g. social media and web).

According to IBM-United States (n.d), with IBM Business Analytics software in the cloud, one can:
Provide more user communities with access to business intelligence, performance management and predictive analytics.
Leverage on the benefits and value of your software more fast.
Begin your execution immediately and without diffiuclties.
Capitalize on automated provisioning and integration of needed components
These solutions use predictive models, scoring, localized rules, analytics, and optimization techniques to:
Involuntarily optimize resource tradeoffs that allow you to achieve your organizational goals.
Help you get the most out of customer interactions in that you can increase revenue and increase loyalty.
Predict and thwart threats to reduce the risk of fraud.
Predict equipment breakdown so you can change staffing for downtime and service disruptions and manage costs.

SAP BIOnDemand Solution, Powered by SAP HANA™
This software allows companies too quickly and cost effective. The solution enables organizations to quickly and cost-effectively execute detailed real-time analysis of any data, including data from on-demand solutions.
Customers will be able to respond to questions and comfortably relate with complete data. Cuts down on wait times
. They will be able to get in depth insights regarding sales, customers and pipeline from any source, such as on-demand applications for sales and human resources.
SAP HANA offers quicker time to value by reducing these conventional implementation and maintenance activities for BI solutions in the cloud.
As customers’ data increase, they can continue to add more reporting scenarios easily without substantial investment in IT.
Enables complex analyses, plans and simulations on real-time data

Transera software will help with bringing together the contact center and customer data in order to link agent and customer operations at every phase of the customer lifecycle for business and performance’s innovative insights (Transera, n.d).
Benefits and Features
Comprehends the data details and formats originating from the different systems used by the call center—IVR, ACD CRM, Marketing, Consumer Demographics, Order Entry—and uses heuristics to standardize the data across networks and providers.
Links together the records from different contact center networks into universal Agent Activity Records™ and Customer Interaction Records™ and saves them in the cloud with the use of Big Data and NoSQL technologies.
Integrates all the data gathered in various systems that represent the activities done by a customer with similar intent, offering a complete perspective of what a customer does to assess, purchase, or obtain service for products.
Highlight main variables that affect your sales, customer satisfaction and retention.
Categorize your performance data by affiliate partners, lead sources, brands, customer segments, queues, dialed numbers, sites, agents or vendors, then map to sales, order size, retentions.

Business Solution
In today’s competitive world, it’s important to know how well marketing campaigns are working for the company, but also knowing what works and doesn’t is equally important.
Test Drive Model First Step

Applying this to Sonoma County Tourism, we would have a conference with all heads of department and we would want to identify key variables that impact our sales, customer retention, and customer satisfaction. In addition, with assistance from our software we would use big data analytics to pinpoint our successful marketing programs, highly effective agent teams and the client demographics which make a difference.

Sonoma County Tourism Challenge
Multiple business intelligence data sources hard to keep current or cross reference for a good decision making
Software that will help measure our progress and benchmarking our performance
Competitive market to gain wallet market share for the tourist that come into Sonoma
Growing sales, new offerings and new markets put even more stress on current business intelligence solutions

The three software choices we elected to incorporate are:
Marketing planning- Teradata will cover areas of accuracy/completeness
Campaign Management-Marketo will cover areas of consistency/uniqueness
Customer Analytics-SAP BI on demand: Powered by SAP HANA will cover timeliness to make calculated business decisions.

High-quality information can significantly improve the chances of making a wise decision and enhance an organization’s bottom line (Baltzan 2013).
Teradata will help us accurately track customers, which directly affect strategic initiatives such as CRM and SCM. It will also identify the organizations most valuable customers as well as identify selling opportunities and wasted revenue from marketing to non-existing customers.
For campaign management, Marketo, will help us by performing such tasks as planning, scheduling, segmentation, and success analysis, the interface maximizes consumer technologies to deliver a simple and rewarding user experience.

Lastly, we wanted to focus our efforts in customer analytics since our organization is customer driven, therefore we wanted the cream of the crop when it comes to analytics and we choose SAP HANA.SAP HANA Cloud Platform will enable real-time insights to facilitate more effective and on time decision making, the analytics, business processes, sentiment data processing, and predictive capabilities will help run our business in real-time.

Desired Results: New business intelligence solutions improved efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility.
Next Step: Create the Customer Experience
Customer Experience management Cycle
Reach- our content will be properly marketed in places where people/businesses in our market will find your information.
Acquire- The big data analytics will help us understand our potential customers wants/needs so we can provide the service they will want to purchase.
Develop- After their visit of Sonoma, we will maintain and develop a relationship with the customer. Ensure they are fully satisfied with their experience.
Retain- One time clients will become return customers as long as their needs are being satisfied. We will ask for feedback and make them feel a part of the process.
Advocacy- If our customers are truly satisfied, they will become our brand ambassadors. This will enhance awareness within their social circles and the cycle will become a full cycle when we have new customers from our previous ones.

Marketing implementation of information within the Ecosystem
Teradata software is designed around the concept of data-driven marketing. In regards to marketing planning, the software helps manage the campaigns and special projects while being in line with industry regulations and keeping projects on time and within budget.
Make sure all channels know share and understand the vocabulary
Monitor real time updates on key performance indicators
Have complete supply chain visibility
Define role task and time line

My Take
“Businesses are increasingly competing on the basis of information.” (Wheeler, 1999) Technology and Trust play big parts in collaboration marketing. The possibilities are endless when it comes to joining forces with the right mix of people and ideas. Another reason why alliances can become a powerful thing is because trust among the participating parties can help pursue a network of clients, members, and future customers. When we have the appropriate information we can grow our business and make the customer experience one that they will want to tell their social circle to and also become repeat customers if we are able to deliver.

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