
The Great Wall of China

337 words | 2 page(s)

The Great Wall of China was a massive wall that was built around China by Emperor Tsin that was started in 200 B.C. It was created in order to keep out the invading Mongolians, also known as the Huns. The wall is so huge that it can be seen from the moon. On the top of it there is a highway. It is built very strong as well because Emperor Tsin threatened to behead any worker who left a hole in the wall that a nail could fit through. It is also very long. It starts at the sea and stretches 1,400 miles across. The article gives a great example that demonstrates its length. It says that if the wall was in the United States, it could run from Philadelphia all the way to Kansas!

Unfortunately, despite how gigantic the wall ended up being, it was unable to keep the Huns out of China. Though it was very big and extremely long, it ended up not being enough to prevent the invaders from coming in. On top of this, the Chinese soldiers were unable to line up along the wall’s entire length in order to defend their country. All the Mongolian Huns had to do was raise up big ladders against the wall and climb up and over it. They also had many archers who would push away the Chinese so they could get over it. This was too much for the Chinese to handle.

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However, the wall did end up having some benefits after all. Because the wall was so big, the Huns were not able to cross it with their horses, leaving them to have to walk across the land in only their boots. Additionally, the Huns were attacked by local Chinese troops more easily without their horses as defense. The Huns had even more difficulty crossing the wall again with their loot from their raids in the country. In the end, the wall proved to be successful and discouraged the Huns from raiding China.

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