
The Internet and Mobile Technologies

581 words | 2 page(s)

In recent history there has been an exponential growth in technology surrounding mobile access to the internet. The following paper examines these changes in technology while applying particular attention to how such technology has transformed and created many new industries. Furthermore this paper directs the discussion towards the highly competitive relationship between Google and Microsoft (In regards to internet and computer based companies), as well as Apples I-phone and Samsung’s Galaxy phone.

Advances in technology always represent big business and none is bigger than the technology market. Since the commercialisation of the internet and the widespread use of personal computers technology companies have experience a huge level of growth. In turn the Internet itself has allowed the creation of many online companies, ranging from the distribution of goods to the providing of services. While this market has continued to grow another related emerging market has also experienced substantial growth. The advent of smart phones has allowed access to the internet on the go which in turn now represents a key market which both Apple and Samsung have being attempting to monopolise in recent history (the specific details of this ongoing company rivalry and multiple law suits are discussed in greater depth below). Principally the technology behind mobile technology (3G and 4G) has enabled large amount of data to be stemmed to mobile devices which has required mobile phone to operate in a similar fashion to personal computers or laptops.

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Until recently Microsoft ad remained the central monopoly when it came to personal computers and operating systems for such computers. So great was Microsoft’s hold on the market the United States government imposed record fines under anti-monopoly powers. Since the commercialisation of the internet the company Google Inc has experienced strong growth initially as an online search engine. However, as the company has grown they have diversified their product and service base and become a close competitor against Microsoft products. One of the most notable of these areas is Google’s android operating system which has fast become a successful and reliable source for smart phones for companies such as Samsung. Furthermore Google has also capitalised on their position as preferred search engine by releasing their own internet browser program (Google chrome) while also maintaining a strong position in relation to the app’s market.

One of the most discussed and widely known disputes within the mobile phone industry is the ongoing dispute between Apples I-phone and Samsungs Galaxy phones. For the last five years the law suits between these companies have been filed in the majority of countries where their products are sold and all surround the alleged infringement of Patent designs. Indeed, in the United States a court has recently ruled that the iphone and ipad clearly infringe the intellectual property rights of Samsung and so consequently should not be imported or sold within the territory of the United States of America.

As the two largest mobile phone manufactures, both Apple and Samsung are the principle companies at the top of the mobile phone manufacturing industry. The strong competition between these two companies is representative of the huge value that is attributed to the mobile phone market which has shown no signs of slowing. Indeed, given the level of investment into developing technologies in this area and the fact that from a social perspective the smart phone has revolutionised exactly what a mobile phone can do, it is likely to continue to represent a huge market in which competition will be fierce.

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