
Internet Business and Marketing

321 words | 2 page(s)

Internet business and marketing is growing by leaps and bounds. Companies today have figured out that they have an opportunity to reach a much wider market if they are willing to use the Internet. In the past, companies had to invest significant amounts of money not only into their facilities, but also into their outreach and marketing. This has changed with the rise of online businesses and online marketing efforts. With this in mind, it has made more industries competitive and lowered the barrier to entry for new business people.

Internet businesses operate in multiple segments and multiple ways. The rise of the Internet has provided the opportunity for on-demand production of products. One of the best examples of this came recently with the Big Baller Brand phenomenon. The company took orders for shoes that were not even produced yet, allowing the company to be more efficient by producing only the specific number needed to fulfill orders. The company did not need a store front to sell its products, which helped keep costs down. Online businesses are able to take advantage of much more flexibility because they do not have to have inventory in place to make sales in the moment.

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Online marketing has taken many forms. Companies today use search engine optimization techniques to ensure that consumers can find them with Google searches. Beyond that, many companies utilize social media for some of their marketing. The goal is to attract eyes by going where customers are. However, the most important element is conversion rate. Simply getting a person to come to a website is like getting a person to walk into a store in a mall. The next and most important step is to ensure that those individuals purchase something. Websites are specifically designed to drive conversions from web traffic to actual sales.

  • Clarke, A. (2015). Search engine optimization 2016: Learn SEO with smart internet marketing strategies. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

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