
The Internet and the World Wide Web

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The Internet has rapidly and irrevocably changed the way in which people communicate with one another thanks to new technologies and social media platforms that allow people from across the world to share ideas, reject ideas and even makes waves in society. Technology has transformed both personal and professional communications. The internet has changed everything from buying groceries to interacting with international business parties in this globalized and increasingly diverse world. The business world has reaped the benefits of new technologies for communications and ways of doing business by way of automated jobs, online and digital record keeping, productivity and discovering new opportunities (Gregory, 2017).

In the transition from paper record keeping to new technological and digital mediums, the business world has seen unprecedented success on account of more productivity. Digital record keeping is instrumental for financial, healthcare and even retail industries as companies look to saving time that can be better put towards product excellence and customer service excellence without having to manually keep up with things (Morley, 2017). Electronic communications allow businesses to connect easier and save time and money. Keeping up with things like consumer emails, purchase records and experiences with them through management systems allows for better focus on what can serve the company directly besides paperwork. Transition from paper to electronic communications has changed the processes of business, increasing efficiency singularly and within teams.

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The demand for “always available” internet connectivity has impacted both businesses and consumers. The advent of technology and the Internet have created an age based in instant gratification or the “microwave age” in which people desire what they want immediately; if not immediately, then in less than two days. It is more important than ever that businesses have the best internet connection to address the needs of the past, present and future. It is fundamental to connecting with consumers and at the very least, allowing them to engage with the business. In an always connected age, consumers want flexibility and options. This is true even for workers, as many people work flexibly and remotely and are able to access their work materials from anywhere in their city, state and even the world (Athow, 2015). This technological development has increased productivity as well as consumer expectations for businesses that, in this economy, businesses are expected to expeditiously and properly respond to.

In today’s business world, geography no longer matters. The reality is that the Internet and globalization have directly influenced one another. Globalization in terms of the economy, resources and more have enabled the rise of technology; the Internet allows for technology to flourish from anywhere in the world as well. Evidence of globalization is seen everywhere and following the Y2K era of the early 2000s, internet and communication technologies allowed for trade and communication in breaking down barriers in trade and communication itself from governmental agencies.

Businesses and consumers have unprecedented access to the world’s information through search engines; they can reach it in a millisecond’s time as well because of fast connectivity. A company in the United States can have a Skype conference call with a company in Bangladesh despite multiple hours of time difference. In addition, mass media has been changed by the structure of the Internet. People obtain their news locally and nationally through phone notifications and the 24-hour news cycle in present in the lives of individuals as well, from anywhere in the world. Growth in internet use allows businesses to be in the loop of what is going on not only with their current and potential internet partners, but with their customers as well.

The impact of the internet on the business world has bene unprecedented and a wonder to see develop. As communication technologies grow and so do group and individual desires and needs, the world will see even more change as both concepts rise to meet each other where he other is—on the new digital landscape.

  • Athow, D. (2015, March 02). Forget net connectivity: Welcome to a new era of always-available mobile apps. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from https://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/forget-net-connectivity-welcome-to-a-new-era-of-always-available-mobile-apps-1286553
  • Borcuch, A., Piłat-Borcuch, M., & Świerczyńska-Kaczor, U. (2014). The Influence of the Internet on globalization process. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 18(1), 118-129.
  • Gregory, J. G. (2017, September 07). How the Internet Changed Communication in Business. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from https://www.vonage.com/business/perspectives/how-the-internet-changed-communication-in-business/
  • Morley, D., & Parker, C. S. (2010). Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow: Comprehensive. Mason, OH: South-Western.
  • Noguchi, Y. (2013, April 30). When It Comes To Productivity, Technology Can Hurt And Help. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2013/05/06/179072692/when-it-comes-to-productivity-technology-can-hurt-and-help

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