
Theory questions: Sigmund Freud

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When studying the impact of Sigmund Freud on psychology, there is no doubt that the primary theory that comes into the minds of many people is that of psychoanalysis. This theory emphasizes the effect of the unconscious mind on several behavioral traits that persons exhibit. Thus, the theorist held that patients could be impacted by their minds to show some signs that could be interpreted in clinical settings to give some hints regarding disease and health conditions (Freud, 2003). When discussing issues in the theory, it is imperative to mention that an individual’s personality is determined by aspects in early childhood. In addition, attitudes, mannerisms, experiences, and thoughts are impacted by irrational motives within persons. From a broader perspective, personalities could influence the manner in which people form relationships in society.

Sigmund Freud developed the theory as a result of interacting with his patients on a daily basis. Many professionals who are not in the mainstream health care sector have sometimes doubted the application of the theory in their occupations since it was only suggested and proved in health care settings. Through the use of talk therapy, he learned that patients could talk about their problems, and the talking could help them negatively impact them to a lesser extent (Freud, 2012). Specifically, Freud analyzed Anna O, who was his patient, and was suffering from a series of hysteria. She could not see well, and was also typified by hallucinations and partial paralysis (Freud, 2003). At that point, Freud and his colleague talked with the patient and she improved her condition. Thus, Freud concluded that patients could be managed by studying their minds and talking with them with the goal of relieving their symptoms.

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It is evident that Freud fell in love with his wife-to-be quite early in life, specifically, when he was still a student. Later, they got tied the knot and were blessed with six children. However, it can be stated that his family did not have any influence on his theory of psychoanalysis (Freud, 2003). In fact, his wife was a committed housewife who was focused on upbringing their children. At no point is it indicated that the theorist was either discouraged or discouraged by his family to advance the theory.

The theorist held that personality was key to understanding and treating a patient. In an attempt to propose the role of personality in an individual, he suggested that the mind has parts organization (Freud, 2012). First, the conscious mind is typified by all mental processes that hep persons be aware of themselves. In additional, processes that are important in forming memory are found in the conscious part of the mind. Second, personality is shaped by the preconscious mind, which is the ordinary mind. Finally, the theorist held that the unconscious mind is where feelings and urges are stored in the body. A significant portion of the contents in this part of the mind is composed of things that are not pleasant, such as anxiety and conflict (Freud, 2003).

Freud suggested that the extent to which people relate with each other largely depends on the personality attributes of individuals. For example, interpersonal relationships are different due to the fact that persons exhibit unique personalities. Thus, persons could develop better relationships with others by comprehending their thoughts, feelings, and other personality attributes (Freud, 2003). On the other hand, the theorist proposed that if an individual does not understand the feelings and thoughts of others, then there are minimal chances of forming long-term interpersonal relationships.

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