
Treating Mental Illness and Drug Addiction/Alcoholism with Supplements and Organic Foods

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Mental illness is more often connected to drug addiction in most cases of mental health complications. It is for this cause that the affiliation between mental illness and drug abuse is very strong and most people understand that mental illness is contributed by drug and substance abuse. On the other hand, psychiatrists and other health practitioners link the cause of drug addiction and mental health as caused by the self-attempts of the mentally ill to medicate themselves using the drugs continuously that at the long end cause drug addiction. This is the cause of addiction of substance in the mentally-ill.

The addiction as well as the mental sickness can be treated in a double diagnosis program. The handling of the mentally sick and substance addicts, just like in any other patient depend on the theories that surround the treatment process and the outcome of the efforts to treat the patients. One of the theories that impact on the treatment process and the outcome in any given patient is the Health Belief Model, which mostly addresses and outlines the issues of perception and trust of the patient that given drug will get to heal him or her. Another theory is the Collaborative Care Model, which is a theory that seeks the relevance of intervention of health tactics from all the phases of health practice.

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The involvement of these theories in the treatment of mental illness and drug abuse is based on the links of the two aspects and defects of health in humans. The relationship between drug and substance abuse and mental illness is based on the records of health researches which unveil the links to the conditions to a number of well diverse factors of life in the field of health and medication. The diagnosis of mental illness in patients implies the medication programs which will implicate the lives of the patients with several side effects at the end. To alleviate these side effects the patients end up abusing drugs that complicate their lives further (American Psychiatric Association, 1999).

On the other hand, the undiagnosed mental illness can lead to substance abuse as the patient tries to treat the illness or symptoms of the mental condition and depression can lead to further complication due to increased intake of drugs leading to addiction. The treatments of the conditions of mental illness and drug abuse are very diverse in the scope and require the involvement of the many medical attendants from physiologists, counselors, social workers, case managers, and psychiatrists. This will also depend on the possibility that the drug will cure the patient and this is based on the belief that the patient has on the particular approach to treatment of the condition (American Psychiatric Association, 1999).

Theoretical Rationale of Health Belief Model
Health Belief Model is a theory that predicts the interpersonal understanding through knowledge, experience and exposure and beliefs to given design intervention and prevention programs of given health conditions like mental illness. The belief will improve the attitude of one towards given drugs and this will lead to efficiency in the treatment program and thus reduce the complication or fully diagnose the mental illness (American Psychiatric Association, 1999).

The belief in a person implies that the person trust the outlined intervention and therefore will be submissive to the conditions of intervention. This will lead to treatment of the mental illness or reduction of the same in a way that belief works. This is linked to the position that belief positions the patient like being able to identify the need to make relevant health concern about the mental condition, the realization that behavior change is beneficial at given point of health condition and these outweigh the cost. Finally the person will be able to understand “that he or she may be at risk” of contracting the disease and the thrush to get medication effectively.

The Strengths and Limitations of Health Belief Model
This theory leads to quick response to the conditions that may be affecting the person. It may aid in the lessening of the cost of medication since it recommends rapid response to seek for prevention before the condition becomes serious. This theory may also improve the attitude of given patients to seek medication due changed behaviors. Concurrently, the theory has disadvantages such as it may lead to early diagnosis which can create complications. It can also lead to overdose and cause addiction to certain drugs which may reverse and increase the complication of addiction and mental illness (American Psychiatric Association, 1999).

Theoretical Rationale of Collaborative Care Model
The diversity in the complications in patients with mental illness and the related substance abuse should be efficiently handled in treatment process that incorporates all the possible interventions for the health condition like mental illness. This theory will make the treatment of mental illness a success since it involves all mechanics of preventing and curing the condition and this may be physical, emotional and psychological in nature. The treatment of a mentally ill patient through the following up of the Collaborative Care Model, will lead to effective cure or prevention of the condition (Ali Afzali, et al, 2012).

The Strengths and Limitations of Collaborative Care Model
This theory recommends the tackling of mental illness problem from the physical sphere to the inner or emotional aspect of the possible impact to the patient. All the vulnerabilities are set to be scanned out and attended to leading to effective and well-covered medication. It is highly effective in costs and clinically. This model or theory provides the best integration of the treatment modes to patients with mental disorders within little time efficiency. Conversely it is time consuming and diversely commanding as contacting all the relevant health practitioners is challenging (Ali Afzali, et al, 2012).

  • Ali Afzali, H et al. (2012). Evaluation of collaborative models of care in the management of patients with depression: protocol and progress. Mental Health In Family Medicine, 9(2), 91-97.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (1999). Treatment of mental illness & substance abuse: A compendium of articles from Psychiatric services. Washington, D.C: Psychiatric Services Resource Center, American Psychiatric Association

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