
Why People Would Choose To Eat Grass Fed Beef

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Human beings cannot feed on grass; however, they can eat meat from animals who feed on grass (Francis and King 71). A substantial percentage of human nutrition is derived from rice, wheat, as well as corn: these are products from grasses. Their seeds are densely packaged with complex and sophisticated carbohydrates mainly because they are annual grasses (Francis and King 88). On the other hand, perennial grasses are vastly common and abundantly available store a larger percentage of their energy in roots, stems and leaves; this energy is in cellulose form (Francis and King 67). Biologically approved, human beings do not have the ability to convert cellulose into proteins, contrastingly, cows, goats, and sheep together with other ruminants can (Gillespie and Joachim 41). The bacteria which resides in the rumen is specialized in helping convert cellulose into proteins. Grass-fed beef specifically comes from those animals that feed on perennial grasses through their lives. This paper discusses why people would choose to eat on grass-fed beef.

First and foremost, grass-fed animals need less quantity of antibiotics as compared to feedlot cattle (Francis and King 102). It has been established that a good percentage of beef cattle are bred in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) where they are fattened in preparation for slaughter with a very short period of time (Gillespie and Joachim 101). Antibiotics are consistently and little by little added to the feeds and water to promote enhanced growth and reduces the rate of infection which is particularly a common case when animals are crowded in unsanitary conditions (Francis and King 53). This practice is common in developed countries, and it has been established that 80 per cent of antibiotics are administered to animals in the US, and of these antibiotics, 83% are administered to healthy animals (Gillespie and Joachim 33). Pastured animals contrastingly require none of these antibiotics (Gillespie and Joachim 121). Given this understanding, grass-feed beef is much safer for human consumption as compared to concentrated animal feeding operations animals (Gillespie and Joachim 102). In addition, the condition of an animal feeding on grass is different from another animal that feeds on other types of feeds (Francis and King 105).

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Grass-fed animals are healthier in their entire life and hence their meat is safer for human consumption when compared to animals fed from other types of feeds (Francis and King 89). The gut of ruminants is generally maintained at a neutral pH environment that is best suited for a cellulosic diet (Gillespie and Joachim 61). This gut pH condition is not meant or suited for a diet made up of grains and corn, which are a primary food source for feedlot cattle (Gillespie and Joachim 98). Diet comprising of corn and grains has high starch content, low roughage, but with low calcium and magnesium contents; this diet is not for the cow’s stomach as it distorts the neutral pH by making it more acidic (Gillespie and Joachim 97). This distorted gut pH condition makes the cow more susceptible to diseases like the pathogenic E. coli 0157:H7 bacterium when compared to those animals consuming grass based feeds (Francis and King 71). Due to this, E. coli is now commonly found in the intestines of feedlot cattle. Experts have established that by acidifying the cow’s gut with corn and grain food substantially breaks the food chain of human beings (Gillespie and Joachim 112). This is not the case in the pastured cattle; the human food chain is not broken by the E. coli bacteria since these animals derive their nutrients from cellulose abundantly found in perennial grasses that they feed on (Gillespie and Joachim 113).

Many people think that feedlot animals are nutritionally superior as compared to the pastured animals; actually to the contrary (Francis and King 93). Grass-fed animals have been found to produce the right combination of fat; on the other hand, corn-fed or grain-fed cattle develop marble flesh (Gillespie and Joachim 56). Grass-fed beef has lower overall fat and in artery-clogging saturated fat compared to animals feed on different feeds. This has an added advantage of providing omega-3 fats (Francis and King 61). Consequently, in addition to producing higher omega-3 fats the grass-fed beef provides four times vitamin E as compared to feedlot meat. It should be noted that once a pastured cow is taken off grass and shipped to feedlot be fattened on grains it automatically start losing omega-3fats that was initially store in their muscle tissues (Gillespie and Joachim 43).

In conclusion, it is important for human beings to consume grass-fed beef because of the above discussed reasons. These animals feed on grass, which is enriched with cellulose; this cellulose is then transformed into proteins by the bacteria found in the rumen of the ruminants. Similarly, they are not exposed to high antibiotic contents as compared to the feedlot animals; this implies that grass-fed beef has a low chemical content as compared to the latter. More importantly, the grass-fed beef has the right kind of fat; omega-3 which healthy for human. Similarly, the vitamin E that is commonly found in grass-fed beef is four times good as compared to the one found in the feedlot beef. For the above established reasons, it is extremely recommended for a human being to feed on grass-fed beef because of its high nutrients as well as for its healthy status.

  • Francis Raymond, and King Michele. Never Be Fat Again: The 6-Week Cellular Solution to Permanently Break the Fat Cycle. London: Health Communications, Incorporated, 2007. Print.
  • Gillespie Kevin, and Joachim David. Fire in My Belly: Real Cooking. London: Andrews McMeel Publishing
  • Royer Scott and Royer Nikki. Raising Beef Cattle for Dummies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Print.
  • Wright Jonathan, and Larsen Linda. Eating Clean For Dummies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Print.

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