
Unemployment Amongst The Youth

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Problem statement:
Unemployment amongst the youth

Most young people ready to work can’t find jobs to create value. This is according to international labor organization report , the Global Employment Trends for Youth 2017 (Ilo.org, 2018). This report estimated the number of unemployed youths to about 70.9 million in 2017. The report established that the number of unemployed youths is likely to increase to about 71.1 million in 2018.This calls for interventions from all stakeholders. Policymakers agree with the economists that the promotion of economic growth is the most critical aspect of job creation. The government must take full responsibility in promoting sustainable approaches to address this issue. There are several mechanisms that the governments and local legislators/representatives can make to mitigate the unemployment rates.

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First, it is essential to make it easier for young people to find their first entry jobs. In the United states today, it is problematic for young adults to find their first jobs. This problem is as a result of their inexperience. This inexperience has hindered most youths from attaining there first jobs. To end this problem, policy makers should make it illegal to deny a young inexperienced youth a chance to work in any company. Through these policies, the youth will be able to attain work experience. This experience will bolster their skills acquired during the learning process in school as well improve their creativity. Entry jobs play a very fundamental role in the career development of any young aspiring person.

Another alternative for policymakers is to increase the manufacturing sectors. The backbone of any growing economy is the manufacturing sector. Policy makers in the United states need to create mechanisms that ensure that the manufacturing industry is on the rise. These mechanisms not only increase the number of jobs for the youth but boosts the country’s economy. There are several ways of expanding the manufacturing sector. The best way to improve the manufacturing industry is by involving investors in the process of decision making. Through this involvement, the government can negotiate incentives with the investors as well as understand the challenges the investors tend to face in the process of conducting business. Through this process, it is possible to reduce unemployment rates amongst the youth. For example, looking outside the United States, according to the chief evaluation officer and manager at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), there was an increase of 2.8% in employment rates in Mexico. This increase is attributed to reasonable measures carried by the administration. If policymakers in the United States provide reliable power to the manufactures, employment rates are likely to increase to about 4-5%. A CRS analysis of federal reserve board data shows that during a recession there is decreased spending on investments for example, in the 1973,1983 and 2007 recession period investment spending reduced in the United States of America. During this period, America registered the highest unemployment rates. This reduced spending reduces the number of jobs created thus need for good policies that do not risk the country another recession season.

It is not a secret that in the United states a lot of young people lack basic knowledge of identifying available opportunities. This lack of knowledge is a result of lack of exposure. In addressing this issue, policymakers need to enlighten the youth on the available opportunities. These opportunities include, starting small business enterprise, online platforms that can help them generate income as well government offers to youth, like government tenders and loans. This enlightenment can be done through employer-student partnerships and national campaigns. During the exercise, young people are taught on the job market trends. This exercise will ensure that young adults are aware of the opportunities and possible challenges they are likely to face in the future. This will help a lot in mitigating unemployment rates amongst the youths in NYS.

In curbing unemployment rates among the youth in New York, policymakers have to look at their education system. Most states offer programs at low cost at technical schools that are irrelevant to their economy due to the population not having money to pay for these programs. This irrelevance is one of the significant contributors to unemployment rates. Another example is that policymakers need to provide free education for young adults to learn a skill and the state needs to get affiliated with establishments/businesses in towns where these young adults live in order to help them find jobs because the fight doesn’t stop when they learn a skill, they need help finding the jobs as well. If this aspect is well-thought by the policymakers, unemployment rates are likely to drop. Lastly, if the government and politicians conduct apprenticeship programs amongst the youth like mentioned above. This program will equip their young people with the necessary skills that they can use in the future. This apprenticeship program can be conducted through national youth programs or through an employer-student partnership that I had discussed before. A study conducted in the year 1995-2007 by Card, Kluve and Weber found out that about 200 programs conducted during this period had a significant impact on youths seeking employment (David et al., 2009). This study shows the importance of national youth programs in enhancing the skills of the young adults. These programs help in youth exposure and enlightenment which is essential in mitigating unemployment rates.

  • David, C., J. Kluve, and A. Weber (2009) “Active Labor Market Policy Evaluations: A Meta-Analysis,” IZA Discussion Paper No. 4002.
  • Ilo.org. (2018). Weak recovery in youth labour markets demands a sweeping response. https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_597065/lang–en/index.htm
  • “License to Sell: The Effect of Business Registration Reform on Entrepreneurial Activity in Mexico,” Policy Research Working Paper 4538, World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • ManpowerGroup (2012), “Wanted: Energized, Career-Driven Youth,”

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