
Unity of the Church

660 words | 3 page(s)

Unity is very important for the church because it helps the church fulfill Christ’s purpose. The book of 1Corinthians 12:12-31, Apostle Paul uses illustration of the body as the unity that Christ expects of the church. The body has many parts and each part has its own specific function irrespective of its size. If one part of the body malfunctions, then the entire body suffers. This is the same for the Christian body where if one part malfunctions, then the church suffers. The book of Colossians 3:14 (King James Version) states that “And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.” This shows that Christians should love one another as this is the perfect form of unity. Christians should love one another irrespective of their cultural, regional, social class and educational level differences.

The church should be united and focus on a single body of truth in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and so there should be unity in the fold. Those who are the sheep of Christ know his voice and acknowledge Him. As Christians, we should be united so as to acknowledge the voice of Jesus Christ. This should form the culture of Christians irrespective of their race, language or region. Geographical distance does not mean that Christians have broken away from the body of Christ. This is because Christianity has universal doctrines that are applicable to everybody irrespective of geographical distance or social class (Amazing Facts). Geographical distance should be used to spread the word of God to far flung regions.

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However, there are instances when it is necessary to break unity. One of such instances is when one group does not want to fully follow scriptures and is influenced by modernism concepts. For example, the Adventist faith does not allow for homosexuality or gay marriages (Seventh-Day Adventist Official Statements). In the Adventist faith, sexual relationship should happen within a marital relationship between a man and a woman. The Adventists believe in the book of Leviticus 18:22 which speaks against homosexual relationships. When one group openly supports homosexuals, then it is justifiable to break unity with them because they will have fallen from the truth faith and will be practicing another doctrine.

The saving blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is what is keeping the church united. This means that the church should preach correct doctrines and not allow pride to creep in. Much as Christians are called to unity, there are other conditions or instances which make it difficult for people to be united. These instances include when other members are engaging in gossip, when violence and hatred is not confronted by church leadership, when the church comprises mainly of self-serving leaders and when there is generally no church discipline. If one person or group feels that the church is in sin and can be characterized by any of the above, then it can break away and form its own movement. This will allow the new movement to practice their doctrines in the fear of God so that they can be helped by God himself.

However, Christians should not break unity for their own self-seeking behavior. For example, unity should not be broken in order for one to find a position of leadership or power. This is self-seeking behavior that is hypocritical in nature and should not be encouraged in church. This is not Holy Spirit inspired and the concerns of such members should be addressed by the existing leadership instead of the members breaking the unity of the church.

In conclusion, unity of Christians is important for them to achieve God’s purpose. However, there are instances when this unity may be broken. This occurs mainly when one group does not follow the Biblical teachings.

  • Amazing Facts. Partners in Evangelism: Quarterly Ministry Report, Amazing Facts, 2017,
  • Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Official Statements: Homosexuality. 2017. https://www.adventist.org
  • The Bible. King James Version, Oxford UP, 2017.

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