
Urban Solid Waste Management

575 words | 2 page(s)

Interpretation: (19 words)
The urban solid waste management system is not sustaining the growth of the population by the proper reduction initiatives.

Analysis: (435 words)
The urban solid waste management system needs to improve methods for reductions in order to sustain the growing population in the near future. “Major underlying factors contributing to poor waste management include a high rate in population growth and consumption patterns, poor management by local authorities in provision of waste management facilities, inadequate law enforcement by the government, lack of community participation due to lack of awareness, and increase in urbanization and industrialization” (Naliaka, np). The need for improved waste management practices is no longer optional.

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Solid waste management system is the process administered by the local government to dispose, transport, and collect waste. “The associated activities are generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing and disposal of solid wastes” (Aziz et al., np). There is a need to establish and alternative or innovational methods to reduce waste. The general public needs to focus on their minimization of waste while maximizing the recycling and reusing initiatives. It is not just a concern of the public, the local authority’s needs to implement and enforce new waste reduction initiatives. Promoting ecological sustainability will aid in the reduction in solid waste. The solution to the problem is not limited to recycling, but is dependent on changes to many different areas of waste management and reduction.

The Integrated Urban Environment Initiative, Sahakaranagar Layout (IUEISL) has established a means to work with many community stakeholders in efforts to facilitate the implementation of new programs. The backbone of the IUEISL is the education and awareness of community waste that is provided. “Through education of the community on the need for better SWM, the IUEISL aims to reduce negative waste disposal habits and replace them with a self-sustaining community-based SWM program” (Mull, p.6). The need for urban solid waste management reduction is dependent on addressing the problems presented by solid waste and increase the community sustainability. It also requires extensive land requirements for sorting, processing, and for the landfills. In addition, it requires consideration of environmental and human risks, urban compost and overall pollution issues.
There has been a numerous amount of recycling programs turned down due to the financial crisis that is taking place globally. It shows there is a real issues with the market’s incapacity to comply with recovery activities and sustain recycling efforts. “Another important consequence is that as new waste streams are coming, they will need more new different waste management networks for recovery and recycling purposes, thus the complexity of waste management will exponentially grow“ (Waste, np). The need for urban waste reduction is essential for the sustainabiltiy of the environment thorugh various efforts locally and globally.
Evaluation: (45 words)
There are many urban solid waste management systems that are working towards resolving the growing waste that coincides with the population growth. The Integrated Urban Environment Initiative suggests community education, it takes the responsibility off of the government and puts it back onto the people.

Inference: (18 words)
The trends in urban solid waste management is to enforce the reuse and recycle initiatives in all communities.

Explanation: (21 words)
The need for new sustainability programs in all areas is finding new ways to expand what can be reused and recycled.

Self-Regulation: (23 words)
I approached the paper knowing that solid waste management is a growing global issue and it cannot continue to operate without mandated changes.

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