
U.S. History: Slavery and Human Rights

320 words | 2 page(s)

David Walker’s appeal was steered towards unity. Walker was more concerned about unity and equality within the American society. Walker’s appeal was complemented by Jefferson; the two were united in opposing open discrimination which led slavery within the society. Walker and Jefferson were concern with the establishment of a society where all members have same rights and can access all the institution without restriction. David and Jefferson seems to have been suffocating under slavery or discrimination deployed by the whites. The appeal by Walker was an indication of some members of the society taking charge or becoming sensitive about other people’s rights.

The themes of slavery, human rights and call for unity came out clearly throughout the film. As much as it showed suffering to some people, it opened up room unity or bargain for equal rights or treatment. The entire film points out effects of slavery, however, there areas or section of which fail to bring the fight against slavery. The appeal by David Walker is just one instance yet the problem is affecting a larger section of the society.

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Market revolution marked the change on how goods and services were produced. It also marks a change in how labor system was organized. Market revolution led to the abolition of traditional production and labor systems. This implied that the production required improved m methods. Market revolution which brought improved production meant reduced slavery since slavery did not involve untrained laborers. Slavery was an important part of the early American society. However, the revolutionaries were destined to change the understanding and societal relations. Through the revolutions, the American society developed greater understanding for human rights which steered the abolition of slavery. Slavery within America brought division with the society. This division needed serious unity efforts. The unity efforts brought the creation of a nation within a nation. This implied giving other people freedom within the America nation.

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