
Using Technology to Support Teamwork

1279 words | 5 page(s)

The implementation and utilization of technologies in the workplace environment is of critical importance in shaping positive and productive working conditions. This represents an opportunity to examine the different issues that nurses experience in their efforts to embrace and integrate technology into the workplace and how these tools may contribute to improved patient health and quality of care. There are many different paths to consider with respect to technology-based integration in the workplace, such as comprehensive solutions that include telemedicine and electronic ICU tools; therefore, when these options are adopted, they must provide opportunities for nurses to improve performance and achieve greater team-based capabilities and core strengths. There is a critical need to promote greater efficiency in the nursing work environment and this is best accomplished with technologies which are designed to facilitate effective results and to promote collaboration among team members. The following discussion will address these issues in greater detail and will emphasize the importance of training, education, and knowledge regarding the use of technologies which impact the work that is performed in the nursing work environment that are designed to improve patient outcomes and expand the provision of high quality care and which influence decision-making and improve efficiency at the nursing practice level.

Main Body
The implementation of advanced tools in the workplace to accomplish the desired objectives is critical to improve quality of care and patient treatment methods. However, these tools require an understanding of team-based approaches to effectively utilize these systems and provide a framework for advancing communication and other objectives (Valley & Fagerlin, 2015). From this perspective, it is believed that these tools require a comprehensive business and implementation strategy to optimize their potential for success and to recognize the value of expanding technologies that will improve patient care and delivery (Weinstein et al., 2014). For instance, telemedicine has become increasingly prevalent in healthcare organizations and provides the following benefits: “Telemedicine allows clinical services to leverage information technologies, video imaging, and telecommunication linkages to enable doctors to provide healthcare services at a distance” (Weinstein et al., 2014, p. 183).

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Furthermore, the use of the electronic intensive care unit “combines clinical expertise, vital sign monitoring, trending and alerting” (Weinstein et al., 2014, p. 184). From this perspective, it is important to identify telemedicine as an emerging facilitator in healthcare organizations which requires interprofessional collaboration and knowledge to accomplish the intended objectives (Weinstein et al., 2014). These options are critical because they enhance the delivery of care in a more efficient manner and provide access to tools that may minimize errors; furthermore, they provide a basis for examining the different aspects of patient care which may be optimized with the implementation of these tools and their impact on healthcare outcomes. In addition, these tools are likely to impact patient safety in many ways and support a patient care environment that is based upon the collection of critical data and information which impacts decision-making regarding patient care needs.

In recent years, nurses have become increasingly involved in utilizing different types of technologies to improve patient care quality. These tools have been instrumental in shaping a culture of collaboration and trust within the nursing work environment and provides opportunities for growth and professional development among team members. In this context, nurses must learn how to work collaboratively in teams that encourage the proper use of these technologies to promote high quality care and patient safety. Under these circumstances, it is important for nurses to recognize that patterns of communication and collaboration must be strong to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and treatment and that these tools are properly utilized. However, their use must be carefully addressed in the earliest possible stages: “Before implementation, additional thoughtful research will be necessary to evaluate functionality, feasibility, and outcomes. Electronic portals have the capability to improve information sharing between clinicians and families in the ICU” (Valley & Fagerlin, 2016). From this perspective, patient safety must be optimized when evaluating the short- and long-term impact of these tools on patient health and wellbeing. Furthermore, it is believed that “teamwork is the ultimate prerequisite for successful treatment in a high-stakes medical environment” (Lazzara et al., 2015, p. 671). Under these conditions, it is expected that the integration of any advanced technology-based solution requires an effective understanding of team-based objectives in supporting these tools. These efforts are critical in determining how to utilize new forms of technology efficiently within the patient care setting and in expanding efforts to improve quality of care in the practice environment.

There are numerous benefits associated with technology-based implementation, including advanced knowledge regarding these tools and their impact on patient care, the delivery of a more cohesive approach to patient care and treatment, a greater understanding of the role of interprofessional teams in technology-based integration, and the need for continuous improvement and monitoring to accomplish the necessary objectives. However, these tools may not be supported by all team members, particularly those who are averse to technology; they may be too costly to implement or maintain, and they may not have the level of security that is necessary to protect patient data and information. Therefore, they must be examined more closely to determine if there are sufficient opportunities for implementation within the current healthcare climate. In addition, the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and other tools are useful in providing basic information to the public and in recognizing improvements that warrant widespread attention.

However, these platforms also pose a risk to personal health information if breaches occur, as these results could be shared with unauthorized parties under different circumstances. Therefore, they pose ethical challenges for employees and for patients if information is intentionally or unintentionally shared with persons who are not authorized to view it under any circumstances, thereby creating a breach of trust that must be addressed. These issues are critical in implementing technology-based tools which influence decision-making and which impact patient outcomes. In addition, they require members of interprofessional teams to openly acknowledge these risks and aim to prevent them as best as possible within a given healthcare setting.

The emergence of technologies in healthcare settings is critical in strengthening patient outcomes and safety measures. The implementation and management of these tools requires the development of interprofessional teams that will communicate regarding the changes required for implementation and who will address any possible concerns that may impact these efforts. Interprofessional teams are of critical importance in addressing the challenges of the healthcare system and in recognizing the importance of team-based approaches to achieve greater healthcare outcomes. New technologies require nurses and other team members to openly communicate, to share ideas, and to recognize the importance of implementation efforts which will positively impact decision-making over the long term. It is the responsibility of interprofessional teams to accomplish a set of clearly defined objectives and to embrace different types of technologies as needed to improve patient outcomes and to provide greater efficiency in achieving improved quality of care. These efforts will encourage the growth and development of nursing practice objectives which are designed to facilitate team-based interactions to expand technology-based integration and solutions that will positively influence patient quality of care over the long term.

  • Lazzara, E. H., Benishek, L. E., Patzer, B., Gregory, M. E., Hughes, A. M., Heyne, K., … & Schulman, C. (2015). Utilizing telemedicine in the trauma intensive care unit: does it

    impact teamwork?. Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(8), 670-676.

  • Valley, T. S., & Fagerlin, A. (2016). Disruptive Technology. Can Electronic Portals Promote Communication in the Intensive Care Unit?.
  • Weinstein, R. S., Lopez, A. M., Joseph, B. A., Erps, K. A., Holcomb, M., Barker, G. P., & Krupinski, E. A. (2014). Telemedicine, telehealth, and mobile health applications that work: opportunities and barriers. The American journal of medicine, 127(3), 183-187.

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