
Wasting Natural Resources

309 words | 2 page(s)

The United States wastes natural resources on a daily basis. We do our best to make conservation efforts, but if the path continues for the next thirty years, we may be left without natural resources. We waste natural resources such as timber by our deforestation. We waste natural resources such as water, with pollution and dumping. We also waste natural fossil fuel resources. However, a main resource that is wasted in the United Sates is the natural resource of soil. This natural resource has been exploited and is contaminated from pollution run off and lack of groundwater control.

In California, the Silicon Valley has the most fertile soil in the world, but none of it is farmed efficiently, and water is scarce. If these fields are allowed to decay, they may actually erode past the point of being fertile. There are many farmers who are upset by the lack of water that is needed to both preserve the fields and to farm the fields. It is as though neither is actually happening in full capacity.

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If this path continues, then it is possible that in thirty years, California’s precious fertile soil will be dried up and unusable. It is possible that California may become dependent upon other parts of the country for agriculture. The country could lose the largest supplier of agriculture if the fields are allowed to wither ad dry. It seems that preservation effects must begin with water supply, which is another major concern for California. Water is a natural resource that is being consumed faster than it is produced. In California, it may become illegal to take a shower in thirty years because of the water resource waste. Also, it may be difficult to grow crops that have sustained the country’s agricultural economy, thus creating a domino effect that is felt throughout the country.

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