
What is Economic Inequality

361 words | 2 page(s)

Richard D. Kahlenberg has been a major proponent of affirmative action and a contributor in matters relating to education. He believes that there is heightened inequality in education, resulting from increased racial preference policies in the admission of colleges. Kahlenberg starts his argument by saying that universities and colleges have not been fair in allocating university entry slots (Kahlenberg, 2012). More specifically, some universities have shown increased preferences for wealthy minorities, who are usually given special attention. Since different people have different financial statuses, the education of the poor and the less fortunate has continued to deteriorate since they have a hard time finding positions in colleges. Kahlenberg also cites racial preferences as a serious problem affecting the people (Kahlenberg, 2012). Special attention to wealthy minorities have led to increased economic inequality.

In his argument, David Lay Williams makes a point that inequality is a serious problem facing the United States and many other countries across the globe. He starts by elaborating on the statistics that 8 percent of the nation’s income is earned by only 1 percent of the people. At the same time, the not so lucky 60 percent of the population are left with only 13.5 percent to share among themselves in the year 2007 (Williams, 2014). Williams attributes the problem of increased income disparity to the setup of the current administration where, the wealthy are left to make the laws of the country. Obviously, the wealthy end up making laws that favor their positions and interests in the general market, at the expense of the poor. He explains his argument using Rousseau’s point of view; where the wealthy invest their money in gaining political power and later use the power to manipulate the poor. Williams says that there is no way that economic equality can be achieve within a poor governance system (Williams, 2014). To promote equality, people must be willing to first structure the government system.

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  • Williams, D. (2014). Should we Care about Inequality? Let’s ask a Philosopher. The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/03/28/should-we-care-about-inequality-lets-ask-a-philosopher/?utm_term=.dd1f48707d57
  • Kahlenberg, R. (2012). Affirmative Action based on Income. The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/

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