
Economics Essay Examples

The current global macroeconomic dynamics are greatly influencing the strategies initiated in different economies to bolster growth. The volatility of prices experienced in the world’s petroleum sector has persisted and countries that rely on its associated commodities such as crude oil for development have been forced to diversify their economic...

624 words | 3 page(s)

Making any marketing decision is based on the proper assessment of dynamic processes, as any business operates in a constantly changing economic environment. Completing an environmental scan is a common strategy for making vital marketing decisions. In general terms, it comes down to the assessment of external marketing environment so...

612 words | 3 page(s)

In the article "Six Years of Low Interest Rates in Search of Some Growth", The Economist speaks about the positive and negative implications of low interest rates for the global economy. According to The Economist, "never in recent economic history have interest rates been so low for so many for...

562 words | 2 page(s)

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There has been a long term debate over the role of the government and economic progress. Is it there responsibility to be continually ensuring its progression? Are they playing a negative role in the economy? Regardless of how one feels the government has done in sustaining and improving the economy...

1283 words | 5 page(s)

The article called Cultural intelligence and global business competencies: A framework for organizational effectiveness in the global marketplace is very beneficial, because it covers important characteristics for the nowadays business world. However, considering the rapid globalization process and active development of multinational corporations, the core personal characteristics to have is...

879 words | 3 page(s)

In any market, bonds play a major role in ensuring that the government has adequate money to raise the required capital. The bonds can be either of the long-term nature or short-term nature. One key function of any bond is to show any sign of economic growth in the country....

637 words | 3 page(s)

The world is changing. There are contradictory schools of thought as to the manner in which it will change and what global issues will impact American economy in the next decade. Following are a few ideas on what we should focus on to usher in a future that works for...

1258 words | 5 page(s)

The idea of a global economy is fundamentally knit around the value of economic equality in all nations of the world. Looking at the economic condition of all the nations of the earth, it is evident that the disparity in their wealth or their economic value is vast. To bridge...

704 words | 3 page(s)

We live in a world which is increasingly being shaped by the forces of globalization. We are reminded of globalization almost daily through news in both print and electronic media. Globalization is often credited with turning the world into a small village because geographical borders are now less important. But...

596 words | 2 page(s)

The answer to whether progress is inherent in globalization really depends on who is being asked. Developing nations and the majority of the world are likely to sing the praises of globalization and tout the benefits of economic growth, increased job opportunities and a greater sharing of prosperity. For developed...

594 words | 2 page(s)

The “Right to the City’ is a movement against gentrification and displacement of persons of lower income, minorities races, gay and lesbians marginalized groups from historic urban neighborhoods (Right to the City). The movement, which began in 2007, is a national movement for racial and urban justice as well as...

609 words | 3 page(s)

The actions of government are helpful in resolving market failure. Market failure results from the absence of the incentives that encourage economic agents to allocate resources efficiently. When markets fail, the social costs of allocating resources using the market mechanism are greater than the social benefits, and since private actors...

603 words | 3 page(s)

Oligopoly is a market structure where few companies are in control of their market in terms of determining the operating dynamics. As compared to purely competitive markets where firms in spite of their size do not influence the direction of the market when they implement their decisions, oligopolistic situation has...

612 words | 3 page(s)

The story of San Bernardino Bankruptcy Analysis is significantly different from other US towns that faced either insolvency and bankruptcy. The blend of the economic and political reasons made San Bernardino case very different. The city with about 210, 000 residents located about 65 miles east of Los Angeles declared...

1175 words | 4 page(s)

Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements have mushroomed in the recent decades. There is empirical evidence that they boost international trade and contribution to the globalization or, at least, the regionalization of economies. At the same time, trade agreements, including their most prominent subcategory of free trade agreements (FTAs), have been...

682 words | 3 page(s)

The Central Bank's willingness to control how money flows in the market is based on its intended function, which is to stabilize an economy when the market has become unstable or depressed. The Central Bank's primary goals are to keep employment levels high, ensure stable market prices, and control interest...

662 words | 3 page(s)

Competition in the economy encompasses the rivalry among different sellers in given market structures trying to achieve common goals such as increased market share, profits, revenues and sales volumes (Lawson, 2015). Consequently, these sellers compete through manipulating some of their marketing mix strategies such as changing the prices, product attributes,...

1062 words | 4 page(s)

At first glance, the decision to review an article on ecological economics may seem to be counter-intuitive. After all, the field of environmental economics itself is relatively new and would appear to be, broadly encompassing. While mainstream in its approach, environmental economics has long been considered by some, lacking it...

898 words | 3 page(s)

In the traditional modern economy there is a micro level in which individual makes specific purchase, production and sales decisions and conduct direct transactions with other individuals (Kirst-Ashman, 2014). There are also mezzo systems, which represents a more aggregated level of the system. The mezzo system shapes the micro level...

619 words | 3 page(s)

Qatar is an emerging market participant in the market classification review by the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI). MSCI is a US-based firm that provides equity and measures stock market worth and presentation in worldwide emerging index markets. However, MSCI covers different classes of assets in the global market. The...

631 words | 3 page(s)

It is a common argument that when economic development takes place in a country the disparities that exist in the that country are reduced and that everyone can therefore be seen to benefit from economic growth and the development that it involves. Despite this, it is manifestly the case that...

622 words | 3 page(s)

A black market allows the private buying and selling of goods and services that are forbidden or controlled by the government. Classic examples of goods and services traded in black markets include some forms of gambling, phonographic materials, and illegal drugs. Such markets commonly exist in economies that are highly...

1062 words | 4 page(s)

Abstract  This paper investigates the real and potential benefits of the informal economy, or black market. It does so from the perspective of the current global economic crisis, as well as from the eves day lives of people who find themselves embroiled within it. The paper claims that, from both...

1127 words | 4 page(s)

The economic and industrial developments of the 19th century brought with them significant social, economic and cultural changes. The Lowell National Park provides a history of these developments. Some of the history includes farm-to-factory transitions, history of immigrant labor, history of development of social classes and emergence of America’s industrial...

636 words | 3 page(s)

The Cold War between the U.S. and U.S.S.R was not just a battle for military supriority but also the clash of ideas. U.S. victory in the Cold War helped promote capitalism around the world because capitalism proved itself the best economic system. Capitalism is better than centrally-planned economy because it...

663 words | 3 page(s)

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