
What is the Definition of a Programmer?

329 words | 2 page(s)

A programmer is an individual who composes and formulates instructions that computer systems use to perform various activities. A programmer makes use of various coding languages to develop the instructions for various systems. This individual applies various scientific and logical expressions in the engineering processes of the software applications through designing, formulating and testing various computable structures and processes to come up with useful computer systems. Computer programmers facilitate optimal performance of various operations through applying their technical and practical expertise to enhance the development of efficient computer applications. Programmers acquire their technical and proficiency from extensive use of computer applications and skills in various coding languages.

A programmer is responsible for identifying and analyzing a problem in the computing infrastructure and then converting the solution into an executable computer program through the application massive critical thinking and analysis. Computers programmers need high levels of creativity in order to innovate various solutions to computer applications and software systems. The instructions created by computer programmers assist in making the use of computers very easy. Once computer programmers execute the instructions on the computer systems, the users can have easy application interfaces that facilitate effective communication with the automated systems.

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A programmer carries the responsibility of interacting with other information systems professionals in order to advance various software systems. In defining the problems and scheming for a solution, programmers are involved in high levels of interaction with the system users so as to formulate a viable solution. A programmers applies technical expertise to transform a problem into a pseudo-code that is then coded into an executable program. A programmer is also responsible for testing various programs for errors and eliminating the errors to make a reliable computer application that makes computing easier. In order to meet the software generation and documentation capability, a programmer needs to be proficient in both the lower and higher level languages. This assists a programmer to form a reliable link between the user and the machine.

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