
Where Do You See Internet Security in Five Years?

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The internet, once just a luxury and place where people can enjoy recreational activity, is now a part of people’s daily lives. While most websites are now equipped with SSL certificates, the past few years has seen a myriad of changes. Identity theft has upped the need to further increase internet security, the store Target experiencing a major crisis when thousands of customer accounts were hacked around Christmas season in 2013, individuals’ personal information leaked out. How do I foresee internet security being beefed up in the next five years?

First off, I think that all websites are going to have be required to get a SSL certificate. With all the problems and issues with internet security such as child pornography and people stealing other people’s identity, I feel that people are going to have to show a live sign of identity every time they enter a website, such as a handprint. I feel that websites that ask for personal information will be subjected to the same processes. Every time somebody clicks on their website to buy or purchase something, some kind of identifier will have to be transmitted to the customer.

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I also think that people will not be able to just start a website for free anymore or at the very least will have to register for a website with more detail. For example, they will have to show a handprint or ID that can only be transmitted through Skype every time they enter the website or want to get somebody else to join the website. I feel that Skype is going to be used more in the future for identification purposes.

I can also see internet security changing with each website having to submit a monthly report about its transactions, people who visited their websites and what the results were, and how many times operators of these websites went online to work on their website. Another security measure could be that anytime a website operator person enters and works on the website from a new IP address, that information has to be registered. The fact that somebody is using a new IP address has to be relayed to any customers or people connected with the website in any way.

There will probably be some kind of central processing internet security center that gets a signal that a new website has been made for both personal and professional purposes. Then, before the website can officially operate, the website needs to be cleared for validity and watched for 30 days to make sure that it is reputable and on the level. Any strange or odd activity will be recorded.

Currently, Google has a trained team of specialists who keep track of bloggers who get paid if anybody clicks on advertisements included in the blogs. If bloggers do not follow special rules and the trained specialists find out about the rule breaking, their ads get pulled. If Google can put together a special team for something not as serious as Identity Theft, the government will probably do something to secure website security within the next five years. Sometimes, the First Amendment is cited as a reason for not beefing up website security, security measures violating hacker’s entitlement to free speech, but a hacker forfeits those rights when committing Identity Theft.

I think personal or business websites that request money and give out payday loans will be subjected to more stringent rules and security measures. Many people have been scammed by these type of websites, which ends up costing the government more money as a whole. Credit card numbers that are stolen by people costs merchants money that is not always refunded. I can also foresee overseas websites being subject to stricter internet security measures, as it harder to track these websites. There are already laws that prevent websites from obtaining personal information from minors without first getting parental approval. Teams that just deal with overseas websites, having these websites go through an instant filtering process when an internet user accesses these sites, can prevent problems. If the website comes up as suspicious, then access can be immediately denied. I feel that government is on its way to making a host of website security changes within the next five years.

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