
Why I Love Soccer

346 words | 2 page(s)

Soccer is my favorite sport and not just because it is the most popular sport in the world. I love soccer because, in addition to being a fun activity, it also teaches me skills that will benefit me in all aspects of my life. In other words, the thing I like most about soccer is its educational value.

One of the most important lessons I have learnt by playing soccer is the importance of teamwork. While soccer stars become popular and perceived to be the main difference between good and bad team, I think such a perception is mostly inaccurate. Good teams are not those with one or two star players but those that have mastered the art of teamwork. Teamwork is not only important in soccer but also in everyday life whether at school or in workplace. Today, professionals increasingly work on complex projects, thus, strong teamwork skills will greatly benefit me in my professional life.

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I have also learnt about the importance of leadership in soccer. I have noticed captains in soccer teams may have good soccer skills but they are not always the best players in their respective teams. Instead, captains are those that are respected by every player and they can keep the whole team together. I believe leaders in real world are also those that can inspire others and not necessarily those who have the best skills or the most talent.

Soccer has also taught me the importance of communication; both verbal and nonverbal communication. The ability of teams to play well depends upon the quality of communication among its players. Good soccer teams are those in which players understand each other and can even communication nonverbally. I have heard from many professional communication is one of the skills most desired by employers.

It is clear soccer is not merely a sport but also holds tremendous educational value. I enjoy soccer but at the same time I have also been able to improve my teamwork, leadership, and communication skills by playing soccer. This makes me more confident about my professional future.

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