
Why Is Marijuana Bad

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Marijuana is a drug that comprises of seeds, stems, leaves and flowers from a plant called cannabis sativa which has a mind altering chemical that is psychoactive together with other compounds that are related with it. Cannabis sativa is also known to be concentrated in a sticky black liquid named hash oil or in a resin by the name hashish (Goode, 2009).

Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug that is commonly used by many people in the United States. In the past decade, the use of marijuana has increased drastically among the youths. The data is consistent to a reduced awareness of the risks associated with the drug with augmented debates increasing on the public concerning the lawful use of the drug. Despite the federal government considering Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance, there are already two states in the US that have legalized the recreational use of Marijuana among adults. In addition, 21 states have already passed the laws that allow the use of Marijuana for treating specific medical conditions (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014).

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Marijuana is commonly smokes in form of hand rolled cigarettes or pipes. In addition, it is also smoked using cigar blunts that are emptied of tobacco and then refilled with a combination of marijuana and tobacco. The smoke emitted from Marijuana contains a distinctive and pungent, often sweet and sour smell. Smoker of Marijuana sometimes mix it with food (Cermak, 2003).
Marijuana affects the brain in a number of ways. Commonly, the smoke from Marijuana contains the chemicals that get into the bloodstream from the lungs. The blood carries the chemicals to the brain and also into several other organs of the body. When Marijuana is taken with drinks or ingested with food, the rate of absorption is slow. Marijuana affects the development of the brain especially when it is used in heavy quantities by young people. It can affect the memory and the thinking capacity of an individual. Sometimes, the effects can be dangerous in that they can permanently affect the brain of an individual. Frequent Marijuana smokers can experience respiratory problems the same problems experienced by smokers of tobacco (Foundation of Drug Free World, 2014). It also increases the rate of the heart by between 20 and 100 percent shortly after smoking. The effect can take up to 3 hours for the heart to return to its normal rate. Frequent use of high doses of Marijuana results in the user starting hallucinating. The use of Marijuana among pregnant women is also considered dangerous for the development of the baby.

  • Cermak, T. (2003). Marijuana: What’s a Parent to Believe? Hazelden Publishing
    Foundation of Drug Free World. (2014). THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA. Retrieved 1 December 2014 from http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/marijuana/the-harmful-effects.html
  • Goode, E. (2009). Marijuana. Transaction Publishers.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2014). Drug Facts: Marijuana. Retrieved 1 December 2014 from http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana

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