
Women Rights and Feminism in Kuwait and Middle East Compared With USA

369 words | 2 page(s)

Women in Kuwait and the Middle East have not been enjoying the same rights as men; most of the states in the Middle East do not allow the women to vote among many other rights. The Feminists in this region have tried to fight for their rights for an extended period. In 1990, some women were arrested in Saudi Arabia for driving. In September 2017, Saudi Arabia decreed that women would free to drive effective from June 2018 (Hubbard, par 4). The lifting of the long-standing ban was a significant success in the fight for the women rights in Saudi Arabia. In Kuwait, the systemic subjugation of women led to infringement on the voting rights until 2005. The country for the first time removed the word men from the voting law enabling the women also to participate in voting. The removal of the word “men” from the voting law also allowed women to run for political offices.

In America, women fought for their right to vote and the rights for contract and property rights in the early 1900’s. By the 1990’s, women in the United States had managed to have equal constitutional rights with the men. Currently, there are no significant challenges facing women in the United States as in the Middle East (Coleman, 87). The research paper is going to concentrate on how women in the Middle East and Kuwait can be empowered through education. Empowering women can be very rewarding given that it can help reduce the rate of poverty in developing countries. Women empowerment through education is the best tool for fighting poverty. The research will look into the kind of programs that the United States has put in place to empower women in the Middle East and Arab countries since that is what can enable women to get access to economic resources. What is attainable to empower women in Saudi Arabia and the kind of programs that let the women In the United States to gain the same rights as men (Fattah, par 4)?

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  • Coleman, Isobel. “The payoff from women’s rights.” Foreign Aff. 83 (2004): 80.
  • Fattah, H. “Kuwaiti women join the voting after a long battle for suffrage.” Raleigh News & Observer (2006): A9.
  • Hubbard, Ben. “Saudi Arabia agrees to let women drive.” Nytimes. com (2017).

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