
Work-Energy Theorem

305 words | 2 page(s)

The primary objective of this lab is to verify the generalized work-energy theorem. In this lab, we shall also look at the Newton Second Law a little bit laying more emphasis on the energy that is involved. Energy is part of essential theories in science. From the study of the numerous forms of energy, scholars and scientists have arrived at this conclusion that energy can only be transformed from one form to another but can neither be created nor destroyed. Work energy theorem comes into place when unconventional forces take the place of the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Consider an object of mass m acting on behalf of the net force F moving along the x-axis. F will be greatly influenced by the amount of variation of the speed of the object as denoted by Newton’s second law of motion. Thus the work done on the given object will be given by the net force acting on the object as it moves from its initial position to another final location. The following equation can best describe work done.

The most likely source of error systematic error for this experiment is the frictional force that is acting on the object. It is also important to note that when greater force is applied to the object, there will be a significant decrease I the amount of frictional force. Therefore, to improve the agreement more force will have to be applied.

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The answer is yes. Friction is a significant factor in this lab. No matter how much the track is smooth, there is always some percentage. And as a result of the frictional force, some amounts of energy will be lost to overcome the friction. Besides, lots of work has to be done to prevail over the force of friction, which decreases the kinetic energy.

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