
Physics Essay Examples

Physicists are a special breed of people. They are fascinated with things that seem intangible. They create complex questions about things that are a hundred times smaller than just being microscopic. Theorists have ideas based on laws provided by historical physicists like Isaac Newton. Experimentalists create ways to test the...

892 words | 3 page(s)

Most people are unaware that they are obedient to three laws that seem to govern the entire universe. A brilliant man named Isaac Newton proposed these laws during a life consumed by scientific experimentation. He was always curious about everything under the sun. He wanted to know what caused objects...

1056 words | 4 page(s)

Particle Fever is a film about an exciting experimental period in the field of physics. In fact, one of the lead scientists during the featured project said that it was a historical moment. About 10,000 scientists from all over the world assembled to achieve a goal with a construction period...

835 words | 3 page(s)

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A sound is a wave that moves through air. The disturbance itself is what moves, not the individual particles. The individual particles oscillate back and forth in place. Sound produces compressed air. The collision of air molecules against one another is what allows the sound wave to travel from one...

1287 words | 5 page(s)

Professor Patterson Hume and Professor Donald Ivey from the University of Toronto present this video about how things look different under different circumstances. They begin the video arguing about who is upside down, and because Dr. Hume is at the top of the screen (upside down), most people would assume...

822 words | 3 page(s)

The lab conducted regarding “Rainbows and Blue Skies” resulted in the ability to see how both items are discovered, developed, and applied. Each of the two items have their own chemistry aligned with their formation. Rainbows are a spectrum of light caused by water droplets. The rainbow’s ability to form...

279 words | 1 page(s)

In the contemporary society, globalization has emerged as a social aspect in which economic imperialism and physical encroachment is disguised and deeply rooted. However, it also emerges that for decades, there have been grave misconceptions on the definition of globalization and what it entails. However, regardless of the different dominant...

639 words | 3 page(s)

Carl Mydans was an American photographer most known for his photojournalistic work, first focusing on rural American during the latter days of the Great Depression, and then his work in World War 2. Mydans photographed notable historical figures such as Winston Churchill and Douglas MacArthur while on assignment, but he...

648 words | 3 page(s)

Gravity represents a fundamental force in the universe that binds all matter and indeed dark matter together. It is a force that can be used to explain the apple falling from the tree to the workings and orbits of the celestial bodies. The following paper explores the notion of Gravity...

906 words | 4 page(s)

Introduction A bar magnet produces magnetic fields which are believed to follow prescribed magnetic lines. In the previous experiment, the application of the magnetic field in the operation of a transformer was observed. In the transformer, two coils which are electrically isolated develop a magnetic flux in the primary coil....

930 words | 4 page(s)

Light is the connection between humans and the universe. It is through life that we could experience distance, objects, colors, our world, communicate, support life and even look back to the beginning of existence. Light is the electromagnetic radiation detected by the human eyes, its interaction with the matter have...

952 words | 4 page(s)

Essence: A current running through a circular coil of wire produces a magnetic field B, which is directed along the axis perpendicular to the plane of the coil. This field is given by B_c=μ_0 NI/D, with N being the number of turns in the coil, I being the current of...

884 words | 3 page(s)

Essence: The main objective of this laboratory experiment is to examine the resistance through a light bulb and through a variety of series and parallel combination of bulbs. Another objective of the bulbs experiment is the verification of Ohm’s law by analyzing the light and voltage through a bulb. Ohm’s...

343 words | 2 page(s)

With regards to the need to curtail air pollution and its damage to the environment as well as the continued depletion of global oil supplies, the interest in hydrogen as a fuel source has continued to grow. This growing interest is because more energy can be gotten from burning the...

320 words | 2 page(s)

Two-dimensional waves are waves that have the ability to travel in more than one dimension. Such waves are those that can travel around corners. Examples of two-dimensional waves are sound waves and water waves. Two-dimensional waves can be illustrated on a ripple tank, which is a glass-bottomed water tank. Dark...

636 words | 3 page(s)

Newton's three laws of motion form the basis for analysis of many types of motion. The First Law states that a body in motion tends to remain in motion, while a body at rest tends to remain at rest. To change motion to rest or vice versa requires force. For...

456 words | 2 page(s)

The increasing demand for energy has led to increased research on new, sustainable, and environmentally friendly energy sources. With this intention, there has been increased exploration in the natural gas production. Hydraulic fracturing is among the simulation methods involved in extracting natural gas. It involves creating additional permeability by creating...

677 words | 3 page(s)

Heat is one of the most important concepts of thermodynamics. Heat concept is very closely related to work concept. Heat and work are both forms of transfer of energy. The difference between heat and work is that they are different forms of energy transfer. Heat is associated with direct contact...

311 words | 2 page(s)

Hydroelectric power is a clean source of renewable energy. This beneficial power source has been utilized in developed nations such as the US for many decades but its potential has not been fully realized in third-world countries. Due to its relatively low operating expense, local farm irrigation, flood prevention and...

388 words | 2 page(s)

The following characteristics should be followed to resolve the trilemma: 1) no competition with food crops and not causing land clearing, 2) reduction of the greenhouse effect and 3) no environmental pollution biofuel production technology (Tilman et al. 2009). Such solutions would help to exclude interference of crops with biofuel,...

376 words | 2 page(s)

Ohm law is attributed to a German physicist known as George Ohm who ascertained the relationship within any DC electrical circuit that exists between current, resistance, and voltage. In electrical engineering, the relationship in Ohm’s law states that, the potential difference in any ideal conductor must be proportional to the...

371 words | 2 page(s)

Ohm’s law was developed in 1827 stating that “the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends” (Sardar 90). In other words, the current that flows through a conductor at constant temperature is directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of...

380 words | 2 page(s)

Theory In order to achieve static equilibrium, various conditions have to be met. Among these conditions are the resultant force and its angle of application. Therefore this experiment intends to examine and investigate these factors and conditions necessary for the static equilibrium. According to Newton’s first law, the static equilibrium...

339 words | 2 page(s)

Essence The purpose of the linear motion lab experiment was to analyze the graphical relationship of position and velocity with respect to time. Therefore, in order to meet this purpose, this lab employs a motion detector or sensor which uses pulses to detect the position of an object relative to...

530 words | 2 page(s)

Theory The goal of the Newton’s second law experiment is to understand and demonstrate the validity of Newton’s 2nd law of motion. The goal is achieved by tactically using a cart moving on a track, a hanging mass providing the motion through gravitation pull and a string connecting the two...

619 words | 3 page(s)

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