
Yang and Yin

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The concept of Yin and Yang, Dao, can be traced back to China in about the sixth century B.C. through the sacred text by Lao Tzu. Later in the fourth century B.C. Zhuangzi developed the theory further and Lao-Zhuang is also named with Daoism. The concept is all about harmony which applies to everything. God is both positive and negative and God created the universe out of himself and therefore the universe is Gods body. (Caner & Hindson, 2008).

The basic concept of Yin and Yang is two interactive forces that complement each other. The Chinese philosophers believe that everything in the universe is made of these to interactive forces. (Hsiang-Ju, Yuan-Hui, Shen-Ho & Kuo-Hsiung, 2010). As in the beginning there was nothingness and the ultimate nothingness gave birth to the great ultimate universe. Together the Yin and the Yang work together to create tranquility. The Great Ultimate is the movement-dominated force of Yang and the other force of tranquility is the Yin. (Hsiang-Ju, Yuan-Hui, Shen-Ho & Kuo-Hsiung, 2010).

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The very basic example of Yin and Yang is the male and female human, together they create a unit of oneness. They fit together and complement each other in relationships and the life cycle. Yin represents the female energy which is defined as being night, moon, weakness, darkness, softness and femininity, in contrast the Yang represent the male energy defined as sun, day, strength, hardness, brightness and masculinity. (Feng, 2012).

In the concept of learning either informally or formally we use the theory of Yin and Yang. With informal training we give participants more choices, provide ways for learners to discuss knowledge and efforts and compare theories. In contrast, with formal training we measure what the participants have learned and require of managed content for on the job training.

Shinto is not a set of religious beliefs but is more of religious feelings, those feelings are a reverence for nature, respect for the ancestors and thankfulness. (Childress, 1998). Bamboo is an important ritual for creating order in the universe; placing four poles in four directions and joining them with ropes. (Dolan & Worden, 1990). The idea behind the Shinto ritual is out with the old and in with the New Year, they start with cleaning out the home and getting all the old dirt and problems from the past year. A pine decoration which signifies strength is placed outside the door and sometimes bamboo which grows straight and signifies the hope that all in the family will grow straight during the coming New Year. (Schumacher, 2006).

The families visit the Shinto shrines or temples and they pray for prosperity and for safety in the coming New Year. They enjoy special foods that signify happiness, a long life and good health, and they are prepared ahead of time because the New Year festival is about rest and relaxation. Special foods are prepared, noodles to show the continuity into the New Year. (Dolan & Worden, 1990). Other foods that are prepared are steamed rice cakes, sweet black beans, rolled kelp with fish, herring eggs, sweet potato and chestnut paste and the presentation is extremely important to bring about good feelings of happiness and well-being. (Schumacher, 2006).

One of the most significant holidays in Japan is New Year’s Day for Shinto believers, there are many customs practiced in the celebration. (Dolan & Worden, 1990). The festivity is marked with dressing in the kimono and hanging up decorations. The Shinto festivals are to enhance the spiritual well-being of the community. A unique concept in Shinto is that they accept believers of other religions and therefore all may take part in the Shinto New Year’s ritual festivities.

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