
1990 Technology Inventions

334 words | 2 page(s)

Both, the technology of the 1990s and the technology of these days are based on the significant breakthroughs which opened up lots of new ways for approaching the digitalization. At the same time, when looking at the technological advancements in the current years and back in the 1990s, a lot of differences are noticeable immediately. The current age of technology is signified with incredible image quality, fast speed and accessibility of a wide range of products which make our lives easier.

In the decade of the 1990s, the world wide web became a signature. The internet started functioning in the same manner as it works now, creating the access to the global network to every citizen around the corner. On the contrary, the world wide web is now perceived as something taken for granted, something that everyone can access at high speed. As for the gadgets, cell phones started circulating widely for business use in the 1990s while these days our business existence is unthinkable without their presence. (Bouckley, 2018). For instance, in the mid-1990s, Nokia released its first cell phone with a ringtone which immediately became famous for its size. The number of game users in the households grew significantly in the 1990s, too. The phenomenon of the Internet cafes was another signature initiative of the 1990s, where users came to access the web and played different games. These days, the existence of such business fades away, as the internet access is something easily accessible in everyone’s household. The home computers appeared in the at households in the 1990s, too. The current technology mainly substituted computers with the portable laptops.

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Overall, a lot of technological tools which appeared in the 1990s have been optimized and upgraded these days for the general use. Some technology items ceased their existence these days.

  • Bouckley, H. (2018). Home technology and gadgets of the 1990s. Retrieved from http://home.bt.com/tech-gadgets/1990s-technology-and-gadgets-11364044155026
  • Technology in the 1990’s timeline. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/technology-in-the-1990s

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