
Pollution in Everyday Life

328 words | 2 page(s)

In places where the call for reform remains unheeded, where coal-fired power plants burn deadly chemicals into the air, and drinking water turns gray with contaminants, civilians are abandoned to live under a poisonous gray sky. No one dies from a single breath, but every person collectively dies a little more with each toxin swallowed.

Smog drifts into the cities as a large, gray wall, or slowly builds from the lightest haze to an all-consuming black. Civilians pull cloths over their faces and continue through their day, walking eyes forward through the haze. The sound of coughing erupts from every alleyway, each heave of air more drawn-out and desperate than the last. The smog passes through the cloth and the gas masks, into mouths and noses, coating throats and lungs like spray paint. A thick, sharp odor fills every nostril, and remains long after the smog looms away.

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When the smog clears, the sun brightens the sky to a light, hazy blue. Children are released to stampede into yellow fields of grass, until black clouds take residence over the fields and cause parents to scream their children’s names. Rain scrapes the paint off of signs, and wears away the hardest stone. Windows are slammed shut and plants are covered in plastic. No pots are set outside to collect this rain.

Even in the cleanest towns, civilians are attacked by pollution. Armies of cars pass along the sidewalks and send fumes into the nostrils of those who elect to travel on foot. The sky may be clear, but off on the horizon, a factory is constantly pushing out smoke. Water filters are screwed onto sinks, and even fresh, local shellfish is avoided out of fear. Pollution haunts even the cleanest areas.

Power plants, cars, and factories pump poison into the air and water, hurting all of those that share a planet with them. As demand rises, the sky grows gray, filters are installed, and windows are shut tight.

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