
DNA of an Entrepreneur

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They see more than what others see and often see these opportunities before other people see. They are quick in exploiting opportunities because they have come to realize that it is better to be the first to identify an opportunity and also be fast in exploiting the opportunity. Maxwell posits that being first is important over being the fastest to take advantage of a business opportunity. Great entrepreneurs have a sense of motivation and urgency.

Great entrepreneurs work harder than their counterparts, this drive to work harder is underpinned by their desire for freedom. To perform well as an entrepreneur, an individual should always be proactive and seize opportunities. Entrepreneurs work hard in adding value to people’s lives through the work they do. Great opportunities often don’t officially retire from their work as they love doing what they do, their official retirement is by death.

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Entrepreneurs have a strong desire to win, they are very competitive but love winning challenges by any means possible. Maxwell states that entrepreneurs don’t get used to losing, they keep a score of their previous results so as to improve on them in the future.

Entrepreneurs often do not follow other people, according to Maxwell entrepreneur’s do not follow other people because following means waiting. Waiting negates being first and fast which is an important characteristic of a great entrepreneur. On the other hand, leading requires patience because leaders need to wait for followers to lead, entrepreneur’s lack patience and have a bias for action. The inability of entrepreneurs to follow or lead means that entrepreneurs cannot build an effective team making it harder to maintain progress.

Entrepreneur’s love problems because they represent a bed of opportunities. Entrepreneurs look for problems, leverage problems, learn from problems and live out of problems. The drive is underpinned by the fact that most people do not love or learn problems but have a desire to get rid of problems. Entrepreneurs love problems because they know that when people want to get rid of something it is the best time to buy as an opportunity can be found in the item or situation. Problems do not discourage entrepreneur’s but represent an opportunity that is yet to be effectively developed.

Entrepreneurs often undertake businesses because of a desire to prove that they can do something. The confidence that entrepreneurs have is often born in their true self-confidence. Entrepreneurs pursue various opportunities or have been through adverse conditions, to come out unscathed builds confidence in their ability.

Entrepreneurs are resilient individuals who are not dissuaded by experiences that could make it difficult for them. Entrepreneurs cannot be held back by health conditions; great entrepreneurs do their best to always be available.

Entrepreneurs value opportunities over security. Entrepreneurs understand that there is always a trade-off in taking advantages of opportunities. When opportunities are greater over the existing business paths, entrepreneurs choose the opportunity despite the possibility of the endeavour performing badly.

Entrepreneurs believe that there is always an answer to difficulties, they are passionate about looking for a solution. Entrepreneurs are always convinced that the solutions can be the difference between achieving real gains and failing in a venture. Once entrepreneurs venture into a business opportunity, they are convinced that there is an answer to a problem and continue trying to find solutions by any creative means. They believe that they are just on the cusp of finding a solution to their big venture.

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