
Green Tires Company

670 words | 3 page(s)

Green Tires Company will operate in a highly competitive environment. Analysis of the business environment reveals that current businesses that engage in similar ventures as the company does face significant challenges, including changing consumer preferences, government regulations, and changes in technology (Pahl, Richter, & University, 2007). As such, performing an internal, operating, and general environment will be imperative. Among the internal factors that will influence the business activities of the organization, include organizational culture, leadership styles, behavior of the employees, and human resource support within the organization. Significant analysis of the operations of the Green Tires Company reveals that it has a strong organizational culture that is dedicated to delivering quality products and services meeting the needs of the consumers. The organization uses the democratic leadership style that recognizes the contribution of all the employees and other stakeholders to its success and performance (Fine, 2009). Similarly, the organization has adequate human resource support as evidenced by the provision of opportunities such as training and rewards to improve the morale of the employees.

The environment where operates in Green Tires has significant challenges and opportunities that will influence its performance. For instance, significant analysis of its business environment shows that the company faces the challenges from the external environment such as the changes in the global economy, competition, political factors, technological adoption, and regulations from the government. The current uncertainties facing the business environment will influence the performance, competitiveness, and visibility of the company. Competition from other organizations that are involved in the provision of similar products and services will influence the strategies that will be adopted by the company to achieve its mission, vision, and objectives (Klepper & Simons, 2000). Irrespective of the influence of these operating factors, the market has significant opportunities that will improve the performance of the company significantly if utilized. For instance, the company enjoys the benefits of providing its services and products at a reduced cost, implying its ability to attract many consumers. The companies involved in similar products and services as the Green Tires does are few, thereby, the large market. Therefore, utilizing these opportunities will reduce the effects of the operating challenges.

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Generally, the company operates in a business environment characterized by less competition. Numerous opportunities can be utilized by the organization for its success exists. Based on the above, the future of the company depends on the adoption of effective market penetration strategies using the information obtained from performing a situation analysis of the business. According to Fine (2009), SWOT analysis provides organizations with insights into their performance abilities and strategies that can be adopted for organizational success. Performing a SWOT analysis of the Green Tires Company shows that it has several strengths such as its strategic positioning, pricing strategy, the quality of its brand and services, and effective product promotional strategies (Klepper & Simons, 2000). However, the company has weaknesses such as the limited area of operation, and performance specificity. The market offers the company with significant opportunities such as the increasing population utilizing the products and services provided by the company and numerous marketing opportunities provided by the internet. Among the threats that are likely to affect the performance of the company include entrance of new companies providing similar products and services as the company and the constantly changing technological needs.

The mission statement for the Green Tires Company will be: To advance the quality of products and services provided to the clients using tire-related knowledge and products to fulfill their needs and demands at a price friendly to them. Our knowledgeable, professional, and friendly staff will provide help, educate, inspire, and solve problems for our esteemed clients.

  • Fine, L. G. (2009). The SWOT analysis: Using your strength to overcome weaknesses, using opportunities to overcome threats. S.l.: Kick It.
  • Klepper, S., & Simons, K. L. (2000). The making of an oligopoly: firm survival and technological change in the evolution of the US tire industry. Journal of Political economy, 108(4), 728-760.
  • Pahl, N., Richter, A., & University of Applied Science Berlin. (2007). SWOT analysis: Idea, methodology and a practical approach. Munchen: GRIN Verlag.

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