
Entrepreneur Essay Examples

“Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.” (WIPO) In the broad sense intellectual property represents a temporary exclusive right fixed by law, as well as personal non-property rights of authors on the result...

879 words | 3 page(s)

While academic research on entrepreneurship predominantly emphasizes success, the overwhelming majority of businesses are prone to entrepreneurial failure. In practice, the entrepreneurial shortcomings especially concern start-up businesses. Statistically, half of the newly established businesses fail in the first 5 years. In this respect, Cope (2011) claims that “failure represents one...

436 words | 2 page(s)

A founder’s agreement is one of the most important documents that anyone can have when trying to start a business. In short, this is an agreement between the founding partners that is designed to lay out all the rights and responsibilities that each partner has in running the business. This...

906 words | 4 page(s)

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I was recently able to interview Susan, a photographer who is married to one of my cousins. Susan operates a photography studio in the rural town where she and my cousin reside. I sought to ask her about her experiences founding the studio, established five years ago, and about the...

933 words | 4 page(s)

They see more than what others see and often see these opportunities before other people see. They are quick in exploiting opportunities because they have come to realize that it is better to be the first to identify an opportunity and also be fast in exploiting the opportunity. Maxwell posits...

578 words | 2 page(s)

My entrepreneurial idea, “Private Recyclables Collection, Inc” will offer privatized but affordable pickup of recyclable household material such as aluminum cans, glass bottles, and cardboard boxes to lower-income and rural communities in the United States where the local government typically does not offer these specialized collection services. While environmentalism seems...

595 words | 2 page(s)

The nature of this project is to understand the leadership styles and effectiveness of the styles of two leaders. This paper will compare and contrast the leadership styles and traits of Steve Jobs of Apple Inc and Bill Gates of Microsoft. The concepts and techniques derived from this investigation are...

1768 words | 6 page(s)

Green Tires Company will operate in a highly competitive environment. Analysis of the business environment reveals that current businesses that engage in similar ventures as the company does face significant challenges, including changing consumer preferences, government regulations, and changes in technology (Pahl, Richter, & University, 2007). As such, performing an...

670 words | 3 page(s)

Critical success factors contributing to the success It is important to note that business by its nature is very competitive world over and thus each one requires a unique selling point to outsmart the competitors. Italian point ventured into the Vietnam market with its coffee brand which the company has...

1003 words | 4 page(s)

My father and I have been running our bicycle rental franchise for several years now. We have decided to create a compensation system for our employees. In developing our compensation system, we plan to use the principle of positive reinforcement as well as the other three consequences i.e. negative reinforcement,...

1006 words | 4 page(s)

According to many people, positioning is described in terms of customer base. The major competitors of the Jordan Shoes Company are Adidas, Puma, and Fila. The concept of product positioning is a perception of consumers where they create in their minds with regards to the company’s nature together with its...

682 words | 3 page(s)

Jordan’s Furniture was established by Samuel Tatelman in Walthem, Massachusetts in 1918 and was operated solely by him until his son entered the business in the 1930’s (Commons, 2017). In 1973, the grandson’s of the founder took over the business and utilized a new mode of advertisement, which was the...

754 words | 3 page(s)

The following essay addresses the question “what makes fast food restaurants so successful?” In particular, it analyzes the various aspects of fast food chains that make them so appealing, from the aggressive marketing and wide accessibility, to the somewhat addictive nature of their foods. Basically, the essay demonstrates what has...

1011 words | 4 page(s)

1. The “Happy Cows” campaign was very successful because it found a way to distinguish cheese from California from other regions, while also entertaining Californians and others with its humorous depiction of cows, which became an easily recognizable mascot for the California cheese industry. The messaging was also simple and...

617 words | 3 page(s)

Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework in this research consists of four independent variables and an independent variable. The independent variables include internet marketing strategies, mobile marketing strategies, and social media advertising. These independent variables contribute to sales effectiveness, which is a dependent variable. The connection between the dependent and the...

581 words | 2 page(s)

In this research proposal, the problem statement is that despite online retailers in Malaysia operating on the same platform, the sales effectiveness differs from business to business. Put in another way, while some retailers report enormous profits at the end of each trading period, other only report losses (Grewal et...

1020 words | 4 page(s)

The backdrop of online retailing is the concept of online shopping. In online shopping, the customers make their orders, select deliver the address, process payment. Since the inception of online shopping, significant changes have been witnessed. For instance, in the past, there were no mobile wallets. However, at the moment,...

908 words | 4 page(s)

Convergent thinking is the process of combining ideas based on the information that those ideas have in common . I have been required to think convergently in the past when attempting to determine the most ideal place for me to live, what apartment complex would be best, whether a house...

962 words | 4 page(s)

Even the most passionate opponents of Apple products and Steve Jobs admitted that he had an enormous impact on the technological industry. Technological innovations offered by Jobs have changed people’s approach to consumer electronics and, eventually, their everyday experience. His death in 2011 showed that the global community believed him...

600 words | 3 page(s)

Question One In very pragmatic terms, Dick Solomon's approach to the waitress reflects Expectancy Theory, certainly in regard to how he is setting the parameters by which she may be guided. The theory is largely about choice processes made by understanding determinants, and Dick neatly presents a simple set of...

981 words | 4 page(s)

The psychological analysis of human behavior is beneficial in an array of fields. Anticipating how an individual will react to a given situation can give insight to financial trends, marketing analysis, and many other areas of business. The problem with the analysis of an individual’s behavior is that individuals rarely...

579 words | 2 page(s)

The sampling approach used by Numi will serve as a means of generating market research information by keeping track of the different demographics that sample the different teas. Another way Numi would be able to generate marketing research data from advertising is create an advertisement that requests people go to...

294 words | 1 page(s)

Strategies Associated with Incremental Change and Radical Change Whenever an individual or company plans to set up an innovation strategy, it is always important to make a decision on whether to choose incremental or radical change. Both choices have different strategies that serve different goals. For instance, incremental change often...

661 words | 3 page(s)

When it comes to those who are cost conscious at the grocery store, Aldi’s is the place to go for the grocery conscious individual(s). Aldi’s does not have any name brand food items and instead relies on the food items and companies that are somewhat unknown and unheard of. Aldi’s...

625 words | 3 page(s)

Summary “Rethinking Marketing” by Rust, Moorman, and Bhalla (2010) discusses how in spite of the technological innovations that are available in the world of marketing today, businesses are either failing to take advantage of these technologies or they are failing to utilize these technologies to the fullest extent possible. Companies...

899 words | 3 page(s)

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