
Power Generation

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Jonathan is a college student who is trying to find the best methods of creating energy instead of using fossil fuels. He has been performing research for many months and he has decided that algae is an up and coming substance that many scientists have utilized in order to generate power in an efficient manner. The purpose of this short story is to delve into the specifics of how algae can generate power and the advantages/disadvantages that should be taken into consideration. Moreover, there will be a discussion regarding where algae is being used now and where it can be used in the future. Finally, the story will help people to understand if is better or worse than the actual utilization of fossil fuels.

According to the articles that Johnathan has read, he has learned that algae is an appropriate substitute for fossil fuels because there is an allowance to conserve the utilization of carbon dioxide in the long run. It should be known that algae is a plant that is rich in many nutrients and can be grown in either wet or dry environments. Since there is an abundance of algae that is continuing to grow around the world, researchers have developed many methodologies that can be used in order to generate fuel and power. Even though algae does release carbon dioxide when it is broken down and burnt, there is an allowance to conserve it since it is a natural plant. This does not tend to harm the environment the way fossil fuels harm the environment (Sharma, 2015).

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It should also be known that algae has a very attractive characteristic since it can be grown in fresh water and many other environments, therefore the idea of growth can be fairly easy. As a whole, Johnathan has then determined that in order to generate power, the oils of the biomass are typically extracted. In order for proper extraction to take place, the plant can be heated for only a certain period of time. If it overheats, then the power source will be gone. This process is called oil or lipid extraction (Sharma, 2015).

As of right now, Jonathan is extremely interested in understanding the specifics of how algae can possibly be converted into power and he has taken the time to determine all of the advantages and disadvantages as well. He has discovered that when algae is used to develop fuel, it tends to minimize waste which is very beneficial for the environment. In essence, the plants can even use run off that is often seen in order to grow in an effective manner. Moreover, since algae is a thriving plant, it can utilize much of the carbon dioxide that already exists in the air and use it for its own good so that it can grow. Another advantage to take into consideration is the fact that algae can be used as food for many agricultural purposes. As a whole, it serves multiple functions and if researchers utilize their resources properly, there is an allowance for the environment to grow in a proper manner (Medipally, 2015).

Although there are many advantages regarding utilizing algae in order to create fuel and power, there are some disadvantages to take into consideration. Many researchers tend to question the stability of the actual product once the lipid separation has taken place. There is a need to strengthen the fuel if people are going to start creating power from algae. Additionally, there are concerns regarding the viability. Throughout the years, government officials have stopped the funding of many projects because they feared that the viability of the substance would not be up to par with the standards that are used today regarding power. Even though this is the case, there are still many people who are taking the time to continue with their projects such as Jonathan.

While the use of algae being turned into fuel is not readily used around the globe, there are people who are experimenting with the idea of making it more mainstream as time progresses. Since there is such a strong positive impact on the environment, there are many researchers who claim that the production of energy can be made within the next 10-20 years (Aro, 2016).

As Johnathan progressed with his research, he has determined that using algae as a power source is better than the utilization of fossil fuels. As stated before, algae is a natural plant that can be readily found in many different environments. Moreover, there is a strong ability to conserve the usage of carbon dioxide which is critical considering the damage that is already taking place. It should also be known that algae can be converted in to many different types of fuels including biodiesel, methane, biogasoline and ethanol.

When time continues, Johnathan hopes that he can continue his research on biofuels and how natural substances can be converted into power. He is well aware of the specific implications, but he is hoping to team up with scientists and even professors from his college when moving forward. He is well aware that fossil fuels are damaging the planet and he is trying his best to ensure that safe practices are utilized so that the people of the future are able to flourish and thrive.

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