As a nurse, I would have to refer to multiple factors that reflect the personality of Maria Garcia, and would be available for further examination of a patient. The first step I would need to do would be to collect the information about the history of a patient and then compare the information with the respective theoretical and practical dimension. So far, the information that is available indicates that a patient was suffering from the 14-pound overweight due to the personal admiration of food and because of unhealthy eating habits.
However, there is clearly the lack of information which additional factors could have contributed to such a health condition of the patient. Therefore, as a nurse, my first priority would be to find out as much additional information as possible. For instance, I would have to explore eating habits in the long-term perspective. Also, I would have to check whether any additional factors might have contributed to the existence of the issue. For instance, I would have to explore the dimension of hormones and analyse whether the patient had both eating problems and hormonal problems that could have contributed to such health situation as it was present at that point.
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The real and potential health risks might have resulted in the further emerge of the issue in the wider scope. Namely, Maria might suffer from the potential digestion and hormonal issues upon the wrong prevention of it. That would be the first potential risk related to the issue. Moreover, potential risks for the obesity might result in further diseases from which a patient may potentially suffer.
The cultural of Maria should not be underestimated in the context of care provision either. Given the fact that a patient originates from the Hispanic background, a special diet would have to re-create in accordance to the cultural cuisine and the likely food to be eaten by Hispanics. In the case of Maria, it would be important to assess which types of products might have been most harmful and would leave imprints on the state of healthcare of Maria. Having defined the products, one would have to think of the potential substitutes that would not be so harmful to Maria’s health. Otherwise, the healthcare plan created for Maria may contain several factual mistakes. Thus, in order to create the most viable response to the issues related to eating habits, one shall consider the whole entirety of factors that may influence the change of the habits in the long-term perspective.
A key risk that Maria may suffer may result in obesity in the long-run. Ultimately, it would carry potential effects on the overall functions of the body of Maria and may harm the other systems that currently function healthily. (Jarvis, 2016) The short-term goal that could improve the health habits of Maria shall result in the diet.
Moreover, certain interventions from a nurse would have to be inserted, too. Namely, one would have to follow the activities related to dieting, find out what is the most harmful food for a given patient and ultimately design the way for fighting obesity. Besides that, a nurse would be expected to communicate the progress or regress of the patient’s health to the respective doctor. Ultimately, a nurse would be expected to find the most suitable way of how to tackle the issue while considering the multitude of the aspects that would respectively influence the health conditions of Maria. Should the designed method be successful, a patient would then recover from the disease.