
The Power of Dance in Advertising

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Who can forget the joyful abandon exhibited by the dancing silhouettes utilized by Apple for the iPod “Silhouette” campaign several years ago? In watching those ads, did we not all want to feel that joy, that ability to just let go and dance? And, more importantly, didn’t it make you want to rush out, buy an iPod and dump your entire paycheck into iTunes just so that you, too, could experience that wild dance energy that you know you would have just by owning the newest generation of iPod? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQw3mVWXncg

Some of the most innovative use of dance is found in television commercials. Major companies such as Gap, Nike and Ikea have in the recent past utilized some truly fantastic dance moves to catch consumer’s eyes and make them take notice.

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The Gap piece honoring West Side Story did not make many of us want to reconfigure our wardrobes, but it is an inalienable fact that people sat up and took notice of this advertising piece. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjyOpiNuLBw

The automobile manufacturer, Kia, has utilized extremely effectively not only pop music, iconic films involving dance and dance itself into a number of hilarious and fun to watch advertising pieces. In this first piece, Kia spoofs the dance film, Flashdance, to excellent effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOyQK5jBalE . In later ad campaigns, they incorporated the Hamster Clan dancing into their use of modern day pop music with a number of offerings to market the Kia Soul automobile. My favorite of all of these is the Hamster Gangnam Style piece of advertising that shows us not only contemporary dance, but traditional ballet and opera as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvcdllFeFBY

In conclusion, dance is a very powerful and aptly utilized component in compelling, fun and memorable advertising.

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