
Innovation at Apple

340 words | 2 page(s)

1. Steve Jobs played a major role in leading the innovation at Apple. Although he barely knew how to code and understood the technical part of the products Apple was creating, his genius was in understanding the rational needs and irrational aspirations of customers that other major companies failed to serve with their overwhelming focus on the technical characteristics of the product which was most important to the engineers and not the regular people.

2. The success of Apple’s early products may be explained by the fact that these products were designed with precise attention to the customer’s experience in using electronic devices. Namely, unlike other companies, Apple header by Jobs sought to overcome the difficult and annoying aspects of interacting with technology and make their devices as user-friendly as possible. In doing these, Apple has been able to find excellent technical solutions to offer their customers the experience the quality of which greatly succeeded the convenience of competitors’ products.

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3. Taking into account the fundamental differences in personality and management styles of Tim Cook and Steve Jobs, I do not believe Cook to be a good successor of the Job’s legacy of an ultimate innovator. From what Apple has produced after Jobs’ passing it seems that the company has been mostly working on and improving on its prior innovations. At the same time, however, the fact that Cook became a CEO may actually be a positive development for the company itself as he appears to be a better manager than Jobs was.

4. Jobs had a unique personality and unique worldview that have turned him into the innovator he was. Namely, he had a strong feeling of being chosen, being special which he got from the family that has adopted him. Secondly, he was sort of a rebel who disrespected the establishment, had little respect for conventions, and did not want to have an ordinary life. Lastly, he trusted his intuition and was capable of changing his mind which has proved to be important in designing and producing innovative products.

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