
How Does Chemistry Relate to the Food We Eat?

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The food industry is an industry based on consumer preferences, the health of eaters, and money. Unfortunately, saving money sometimes means adding chemicals and preservatives to foods, these agents often causing harm and even death to consumers, cancer causing agents in food having an adverse effect on societal health. However, genetically modifying food to make it safer and healthier has been on the rise, the genetically modified potato a possible food for the future (Associated Press paragraph 1).

The article “McDonald’s Won’t Buy Simplot’s GMO potato” in The Washington Post puts an interesting spin on chemistry by focusing on a genetically modified potato created by the Idaho-based J.R. Simplot Co. which has been approved by The U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, the fast food franchise, McDonald’s, has decided to pass on the new potato, the company quite adamant with its words of “McDonald’s USA does not source GMO potatoes, nor do we have current plans to change our sourcing practices,” (Associated Press paragraph 3) as stated in the Washington Post.

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Why would anybody want to eat a genetically modified potato? According to the article, the new type of potato has health benefits that one cannot get by eating a regular, farm grown potato. The potato’s DNA has been altered, DNA defined as a nucleic acid that contains proteins and carbohydrates. DNA, also a type of long polymer, is a major component of living organisms, DNA present in animals, plants, human beings, and even some viruses. By changing a normal potato’s DNA, the potato’s amount of Acrylamide is decreased, Acrylamide an agent that researchers feel could be a carcinogen.. A carcinogen is defined as a cancer causing agent. When cooked at high temperatures, potatoes have more Acrylamide Some cancer causing agents such as arsenic, pesticides, sodium nitrates, and the chemical DDT are found in foods such as fish and beef .

Therefore, being aware of these carcinogens in foods, as well as other harmful preservatives that are used to increase the lifespan of some fish, is important. Chemicals and preservatives often jeopardize the health of consumers. Eating some types of fresh fish has resulted in some serious and lethal outcomes. Some fresh fish have been chilled and put on top of crushed ice that is filled with the following preservatives that have been pegged as harmful: sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, hydrogen peroxide, ozone. Some of these preservatives have invoked serious illness in fish consumers who have ingested fish that contained high levels of sodium nitrite. In some cases, people have died from the high fish preservative content . Fortunately, other restaurants are recognizing the harmful effects of chemicals and preservatives. Subway has decided to change its breads by deleting chemical azodicarbonamide and other chemicals from their loaves. Some of these harmful chemicals include calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, sodium stearoyl lactylate, DATEM, potassium iodate, and ascorbic acid .

In addition to reducing carcinogens, the genetically altered potato also offers additional health benefits that can help potato eating consumers, such as reduced sugars and other potential carcinogens. However, the dehydrated potato market is also resistant to using the new genetically modified potatoes. Because these potatoes are still being tested on 400 sites, the new potatoes will not be fully ready to infiltrate the food market until the year 2015. (Associated Press pparagraphs 8-10).

In spite of McDonald’s objections, using genetically modified potatoes appears to be a step in the right direction. Many foods, such as fresh fish and meat, contain harmful chemicals and preservatives that have caused serious illness and death in some consumers. The new potatoes will probably reduce cancer causing agents and also decrease its unhealthy sugar content. Restaurants such as Subway have already removed harmful chemicals from its bread. While the production of genetically modified potatoes is not slated under 2015, it is my hope that these new potatoes improve the overall health of society and help to decrease lethal diseases such as cancer.

  • “Carcinogens In Food.” n.d. Raw Food Explained website. Web. 20 November 2014.
  • Press, Associated. “McDonald’s Won’t Buy Simplot’s GMO potato.” 15 November 2014. The Washington Post. Web. 20 November 2014. Website address: http://www.washingtonpost.com
  • Wilson, Jacque and Jen Christensen. “7 other chemicals in your food.” 10 February 2014. Cable News Network website. Web. 20 November 2014.

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