
Impact of Information Technology on Contemporary Society

372 words | 2 page(s)

We live in a world which is significantly different from even two decades ago and all of this could not have been possible without tremendous progress in information technology. Information technology has led to economic and social progress because it has made it easier, quicker, and cheaper to communicate and share/access information.

Information technology has not only improved the quality of life of the general population but also people with disabilities whose needs have traditionally been ignored. People with physical disabilities now can access information and even communicate which they could not do before. Information technology has also sped up social progress because it allows educational institutions to advance knowledge more efficiently . Individuals do not have to be physically present or sometimes even enrolled to gain access to academic resources and as a result, access to education has become more democratic in nature. Information technology has also been changing social attitudes, norms, and values. Members of the society now expect their fellow citizens to be better informed and they are also using the technology to gain greater voice in social and political issues.

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Information technology has also been helping businesses become more efficient. First of all, many business tasks previously performed by workers are now automated and performed by machines. Similarly, businesses are recording, storing, accessing, and processing information and data more efficiently. It is difficult to think of components of business models that have not been influenced by information technology one of which are companies’ supply chain networks .

Information technology has increased social and economic progress because it has made it cheaper and quicker to communicate or access information. Businesses have been using information technology to improve efficiency and profits. Similarly, members of the society have also been utilizing it to be better informed and more active in social and political affairs.

  • Meadowcroft, B. (n.d.). The Impact of Information Technology on Work and Society. Retrieved October 7, 2013, from http://www.benmeadowcroft.com/reports/impact/
  • National Research Council. (1994). Information Technology in the Service Society: A Twenty-First Century Lever. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
  • Tawar, M., & Keshari, V. (2013, April 30). The Impact of Information Technology on Work and Society. Retrieved October 7, 2013, from http://pioneerjournal.in/conferences/tech-knowledge/15th-national-confernce/3895-the-impact-of-information-technology-on-work-and-society.html

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