
Employment Law Regulations

592 words | 2 page(s)

Ethics is a systematic statement of right and wrong along with a philosophical system that justifies and makes necessary certain rules of conduct. It involves a rational way for questioning or viewing our moral lives for right or wrong, but also for understanding why we think it is right or wrong.

The five ethical theories are egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, care ethics, and virtue ethics. Other theories could include Contractarian; Social Contract theories, “Rights”/”Justice” theories, Natural law theories, religiously-based ethics or “Divine Command Theory”, and Non-Theories. Each of these theories demonstrates a perspective on good and bad; right and wrong.

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The Egoism theory invokes principles of self-interest as to whether it conforms to what a person is doing, considering, or how is it affected by their actions. It usually invokes a principle of enlightenment or rational self-interest.

The Deontology theory by famous persons such as Immanuel Kant and W.D. Ross is what makes something good or bad; right or wrong, and that it conforms to some type of duty. There are five questions one should ask to explore their ethical values before making personal or business decisions:

Have I thought about whether the action I may take is right or wrong?
Will I be proud to tell these actions to my family members? To my employer? To the news media?
Am I willing for anyone to act and think as I do?
Will my decisions harm to others?
Will I violate the law with my actions?

The ultimate source of ethical values for business decisions should come from the employees, and only that person can make their decisions ethical. Leading an ethical life may be difficult at times, but it is reasonable and fair for an employer to use any information posted on social media sites as a basis for hiring a person or not. After reviewing the questions above, once a person is hired, they not only represent their families, but they represent their company, and if anyone can go on social media and find a potential employee or a current employee making derogatory posts, it would not be in the best interest of the company or their stakeholders.

I can give at least one example, which could be a candidate for employment who was found talking about the company that she is interviewing with, and making derogatory remarks about their products or a potential employee who is posting suggestive sexual pictures on Facebook, Twitter, or another social site. This would be a negative representation of the company that could be a potential employer for him or her.

Another example would be an employee who works for a company selling a certain product, but is found advertising for one of its competitors. Avoiding conflicts of interest is an ethical value that is covered by the law, especially agency law. Most corporations will have an employee sign a form stating that they will not use or talk about any of their products or ideas with outside parties. To do this on a social website or media would be in violation of this legally signed document and can be prosecuted through the judicial system.

At least five ethical rules can be gathered from the law:
Respect for liberty and rights of others
The importance of acting in good faith
The importance of exercising due care
The importance of honoring confidentiality
Avoiding conflicts of interest
Insider trading, bribery, practices of fraud, and conflicts of interest are examples of ethical failures, and the end result of ethical examination is called the good by philosophers.

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