
My Current Role in Nursing and Why I Want to Become a Nurse Practitioner

338 words | 2 page(s)

Becoming a nurse practitioner has always been a goal since 1998, when I become a licensed practical nurse. Being a valued team member and assisting other nurses and doctors has continued to be rewarding and important. Performing a variety of tasks makes each day unique and wonderful. Providing excellent direct patient care reminds me I am needed. From bathing patients to helping them to physical therapy sessions or just monitoring them when asked by another nurse or doctor, I have always enjoyed each moment. I believe I am making a difference in people’s lives.

After attaining my bachelors of nursing degree and becoming a registered nurse in 2003, I continue to find my career exciting and challenging. With my degree and RN success, I continue to love what I do! As a nephrology nurse I have the opportunity to provide dialysis services to hospital patients. This specialty has allowed me to gain expertise in kidney disease and all aspects of care for both adults and children. Most of my patients are critically ill and require complex care, lots of critical decisions, and I know I am impacting the quality of their lives. This experience has enriched my education and management of hemodialysis, transplantation, and continuous renal replacement therapy. With opportunities for advanced practice nursing, I have decided to become a nurse practitioner.

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This next step will not only allow me to continue to provide patient care, but also expand my ability to diagnosis, consult, and work under the supervision of a physician or a practice of physicians. As a practitioner, I will be able to order diagnostic testing and make an official diagnosis. I will be able to write prescriptions and act as a primary caregiver. This will give me the freedom to possibly open my own practice or assume a management position with a hospital or another health facility. As a nurse practitioner, I will have more career opportunities available, as well as the excitement of new cases daily and the ability to continue to enjoy my chosen profession!

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