
Four Components of Emotional Intelligence

354 words | 2 page(s)

Emotional intelligence refers to one”s ability to recognize the emotions of oneself as well as of other people, name them, take into account how experiencing these emotions may affect one”s decisions and behaviors, and the ability to manage these emotions in the way that allows for the best results. In other words, an emotionally intelligent person understands emotions, knows how to handle them, and how to adjust their behavior based on this knowledge. Four components of emotional intelligence include social awareness, relational management, self-management, and self-awareness (Goleman, 2012). Practicing and developing these aspects of emotional intelligence affect both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Social awareness means being able to recognize and emphasize with emotions, feelings, and needs of others. Relational management refers to being able to build and maintain effective and fulfilling relationships with others. Well developed competencies of social awareness and relational management influence one”s verbal and non-verbal communication by making it more sensitive towards others, meaning that such person would be carefully interpreting verbal and non-verbal cues to understand others carefully structuring their own way of conveying information. Ultimately, developing social awareness and relational management makes one better at considering the context of communication, in interpreting what others communicate, and in selecting the appropriate means for conveying what one intends.

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Self-awareness refers to recognizing emotions and how they effect oneself while maintaining self-confidence. Self-management means effectively dealing with one”s feelings and emotions, expressing them, and handling them in a way that does not interfere with one”s goals. These capacities influence verbal communication by making one more capable of labeling and expressing their feelings in a way that would it repeatable to others. Further, developed self-awareness and self-management make one more consciousness about how their emotions and moods are connected with body language (Drain, 2016). This makes it possible for people to use certain postures to increase confidence while avoiding body language that triggers unwanted emotions and feelings.

  • Drain, L.A. (2016). Every Body Is Talking: Building Communication Through Emotional Intelligence and Body Language Reading. AuthorHouse.
  • Goleman, D. (2012). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Random House Publishing Group.

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