
Social Networking And Technology

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The video “Social Networking in Plain English” makes a valuable point that ultimately our networks determine our course in life whether job or relationship. But before the dawn of social networking, it was not easy to see the people known by those we knew. In other words, we had little idea of the social networks of our friends and acquaintances. Social networking has made this easier by allowing us to see who belong to networks of our family members, friends, and acquaintances.

It reminds me that ultimately social networking has been revolutionary because it has put more information at our fingertips. But at the same time, I am also concerned that the price has been high in the form of invasion of privacy. People who do not want to reveal their networks to others are at disadvantage. In addition, it may also be eroding our social value because if anyone can reach our extended networks directly, they may have little incentive to seek our assistance or permission. I believe Facebook realized this dilemma which may be why it is now possible to hide one’s friends list from anyone except mutual friends.

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This video also reminded me of the concept of “six degrees of separation” according to which anyone we may be looking for is within six steps of our social network . Without social networking platform, reaching the desirable person would be quite a time-consuming and difficult task but using the social network platform, it may be done in minutes. This video is another reminder that internet has been revolutionizing information technologies though the convenience is coming at the cost of privacy.

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