
Syria Chemical Weapons Response

338 words | 2 page(s)

William Ruger, a veteran of Afghan War, argues in an opinion editorial in the New York Times that America’s military interventions have been failures, and it is time for the country to adopt more realistic foreign policy that acknowledge the country’s limitations and declining influence in the world. He proposes greater emphasis on diplomacy and advises against interference in domestic policies of other countries if America’s national interests are not at stake. Mr. Ruger suggests that America may continue to help develop global economic, political, and social systems but should leave the national economic development to the countries themselves (Ruger).

A recent chemical attack in Syria left about 70 people dead. While the Syrian Government has denied it used chemical weapons and accused the rebels of propaganda, the U.S. and its allies do believe that the chemical weapons were used. The U.S. is still assessing the evidence for attack, and the U.N. has not yet determined who was responsible for it. At the time of the article, Trump Administration was considering strikes despite the risks of such strikes resulting in collapse of Syrian Government and direct military confrontation with Russia (Victor). If consulted, Mr. Ruger would have advised against the U.S. military strikes because Syrian conflict does not pose significant threats to the U.S. national interests. He would have recommended the U.S. to allow U.N. to take a major role in addressing the chemical attack. Mr. Ruger would also oppose the strikes because such an action would actually hurt U.S. vital interests through the risk of military confrontation with Russia as well as potential collapse of Syrian Government that would benefit terrorist groups like ISIS. Mr. Ruger probably views Syrian President Assad as evil but may not think it is the job of the U.S. to solve Syrian internal conflict.

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  • Ruger, William. To Defend America, Don’t Overreach. 19 March 2018. 22 April 2018 .
  • Victor, Daniel. Suspected Chemical Attack in Syria: What We Know and Don’t Know. 11 April 2018. 22 April 2018 .

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