
Chemical Weapons Used By Assad Government In Syrian Civil War

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New UN reports as well as other US reports have revealed that the Syrian government is using chemical weapons in the ongoing conflict in Syria. Chemical attacks have left many dead including children. Use of chemicals in war is a violation of all war rules especially due to its detrimental consequences which affect not only adults, but also young children. Syria had acknowledged being in possession of chemical weapons in 2012 but has always denied allegations that it has used it to attack different cities in Syria such as Eastern Ghouta and Khan Sheikhoun towns; towns that have been identified as territories of the rebels. This denial comes at a time when there is evidence that Syria has been receiving materials used in making chemical weapons from North Korea from as early as 2008. There are also activists and other witnesses who say that warplanes strike these towns and drop bombs when people are sleeping. Laboratory tests also reveal that victims are exposed to Sarin while their symptoms such as red eyes, severe breath shortness as well as foaming at the mouth are all indications of exposure to poisonous gas. These are clear indications that Assad’s government continues to employ chemical weapons on its own people.

Eastern Ghouta is a suburb of Damascus where until recently over 400,000 people resided. Assad in his attempt to control his influence bombed the town as he sought to flush out and domineer over the rebel group that controls the town. At least 500 died including 120 children with thousands having died and their properties destroyed. This is an incident described as one of the bloodiest in all the years the civil war has progressed. It is such atrocities that have led to international bodies such as the UN to intervene calling for a cease-fire. In fact, in the last one week, other players such as the US, France, and Britain have also acted in an attempt to deter these crimes of war committed by Assad. These attacks now bring a new face on the Syrian war with Russia, Iran, and Syria on one side while the US and other European nations are allies on the other side. The primary aim of these confrontations is to end Assad’s employ of chemical weapons on civilians.

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Assad’s approach to the civil war is unacceptable in that it has mass murder consequences on thousands of innocent civilians. An attack in Eastern Ghouta in the early days of April 2018 left 40 people dead. Attacks dated to 2012 left 1429 people dead. In 2015 chlorine attacks in a town called Qmenas left at least 87 dead. January of 2018 also saw 21 people die in chemical attacks that have been proven to be perpetrated by Assad’s regime. To Assad, it is all about maintaining the dynasty that has dictated in Syria for decades and his methods of ensuring that he does it are crude seeing that all that matters is the ends rather than the means of how he does it.

The common weapons that have been used in this war are Sarin gas. It is a nerve agent that has the ability to affect the human body leaving the inactivated and potentially dead depending on how much of it one inhales. Mustard gas has also been incorporated into the chlorine attacks and has killed at least 83 persons. These gases lead to suffocation due to their foul smells as well as toxication capacity all of which create breathing difficulties for the victims.

The government of Syria denies all these claims arguing that although it does have some chemical weapons in its custody it has never employed them at any point in any war and has no intention to employ them in the future. It argues that Al-Qaeda is carrying out the attacks and blaming the government as a tactic to get Assad’s government into trouble with the international community. It points out that the said attacks are a fabrication that will create room for other nations to interfere in the war for their gains.

In conclusion, human rights are being violated in Syria. Schools, hospitals, markets, mosques, and other social amenities have been destroyed affecting all aspects of life as we know it. The siege, starve and surrender regime employed by Assad has left many without food thus their survival. This is in addition to the chemical attacks that have been employed in various parts of the country as Assad seeks to take back reign in the whole country.

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