
American Culture

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One of the first things I noticed was that time is truly valuable in American culture. Everyone seemed in hurry and not just business professionals but even students. When you accidentally bump into someone in many cultures, you are usually expected to apologize but not a single person who bumped into someone apologized. In fact, the person who was bumped into also didn’t seem to care as if they had mutual understanding that everyone is in hurry and there is no time for formalities.

It also seemed that dress in American culture is more a matter of individual identity rather than national identity. I remember being in New York City just two years ago and some of the dressing styles I was observing now were almost non-existent just few years ago. Some individuals had dressing style that was totally unique to them, even in one of the largest cities by population on earth. Standing out from the crowd attracts ridicule in many cultures but here no one seemed to notice even if the personal style was quite a deviation from the norm.

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American culture also appears to place huge emphasis on consumerism. Some women were carrying two handbags and similarly, some guys were wearing designer accessories that one usually wears on special occasions in many cultures. Out of curiosity, I tried to estimate the total worth of accessories and gadgets being carried by some teens and $2K figure seemed like an average for most. It was shocking because this figure exceeded the per capita annual income in many countries.

Cleanliness also seems an important attribute of American culture. I passed so many individuals and was lucky to smell body odor from few. Even though who were not wearing any fragrance or deodorant smelled clean. Cleanliness was also apparent from the fact that many were consuming beverages while taking a stroll yet the streets were clean. This could only mean one thing that those who would finish their beverage would properly dispose of the cups.

American culture also seems to place huge emphasis on individual freedom. No one seemed bothered by public displays of affection even though such acts would lead to imprisonment in certain conservative societies. Couples who were engaged in public display of affection rarely drew glares from passersby who mostly pretended as if they had not noticed anything.

American culture also seems to value hard work. I have been to some Asian countries and the quality of social treatment often depends upon one’s economic and professional background. But I saw even cab drivers being addressed respectfully by Wall Street professional some of whom were probably making hundreds of thousands if not millions. On the other hand, some street beggars were met with unpleasant glares. This was also a sign that American culture is probably individualistic rather than collectivist in which everyone is expected to work and it is not the society’s job to take care of those who don’t work.

American culture also places huge emphasis on racial and cultural diversity. During half an hour, I didn’t only saw people from all over the world but even couples from different racial or cultural backgrounds, some with kids. This is not something one witnesses in many cultures and many cultures frown upon such open intermingling between individuals from different racial or cultural backgrounds.

Everyone is walking fast
No one seems bothered even if he/she may have been accidentally bumped into.
Lot of unique styles in dressing, crowd seems fashion-forward
Lot of brand-name items visible, some costing hundreds of dollars if not more
Everyone is lost in his/her own world
No one seems to enjoy preferential social treatment from strangers no matter how rich or professionally accomplished one may appear
Streets and pathways appear clean despite being crowded
Couples engaged in public display of attention not drawing unwanted attention, even from families with kids
Many shops, often selling similar products and most of them crowded
Shoppers come from all age groups, as young as twelve shopping on their own
Many cab drivers seem to be enjoying conversations with their passengers despite economic and education difference
Some beggars but they are not having much success, even attracting unpleasant glares from passersby
People from almost every nation on earth
Significant number of bi-racial and bi-cultural couples, with and without kids

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