
Should The United States Put An End To Jus Soli, Or Birthright Citizenship?

578 words | 2 page(s)

Those born in the united states will lose their access to easy proof of citizenship, if the united states end birthright citizenship. There are so many illegals here in the United States unlawfully and putting an end to jus soli or birthright would cause so much stress and illegals would not have the faith they had when they came over here. Born in America on us soil is our birthright of becoming a us citizen and the law. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment mandates that: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” U.S. CONST, amend. XIV, § 1. Being a US citizen is an American dream that we all want, and being an illegal in the united states is what they want, the America dream.

Eliminating birthright citizenship would actually increase the number of people living in the U.S. without authorization since babies would not have legal status from birth( New York Times Upfront). Taking away any chance they get to become a Us citizen is not right and selfish. Children born to illegals on us soil have every right to be a us citizen as anyone else does. When it comes to their parents there are laws in place for them to become a citizen and have all the rights their children have. Furthermore, getting rid of birthright citizen will not be the right choice and is a touchy issue for most. There are more important things to worry about than trying to keep illegals from becoming US citizen. The amendment grants citizenship to all persons born in the United States or nationalized, even freed slaves. There should be some type of justice to this type of hatred towards people who are not born in the united states of America. Even getting rid of this will not stop them from coming over illegally and having their children here. Keeping up with this and improving the way illegals can properly become citizens without being broken down and called criminals. It is always and will be there American dream that everyone wants, and who says no one shouldn’t be given that right.

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In conclusion there needs to be no name calling and treating people like there animals because they are no of equal standards to you. If we have the right reform and better under of what the 14th amendment means, than you have no right to jump in and get rid of it at all. The amendment then reaffirmed the privileges and rights of all citizens, and granted all these citizens the “equal protection of the laws.” The amendment has been set in stone and not supposed to be changed by any means necessary, It is just the law and it is here to give people the right to become us citizens and be granted equal protection of the law, and be treated fairly like everyone else who is a us a citizen. According to the US Constitution, we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union and established justice…. we need to be on one accord.

  • VITTER, SENATOR DAVID, and MICHELE WASLIN. “Should Birthright Citizenship Be Abolished?.” New York Times Upfront 149.3 (2016): 22-23. Education Source. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.
  • Culliton-González, Katherine. “Born In The Americas: Birthright Citizenship And Human Rights.” Harvard Human Rights Journal25.1 (2012): 127-182. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.

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