
My Parents Behaviors

601 words | 3 page(s)

An improvement I would like to see in my father’s behavior is smoking cessation. Smoking is a dangerous habit that can destroy a person’s health; cigarette smoke is said to contain numerous dangerous chemicals that are harmful to health in the long run. Parental smoking can damage the health of the other members of the family through passive smoking. Parental smoking is also a bad example for children in the family; where a child looks up to the parent as a role model, it is easy for that child to copy the parent’s behaviors.

My father is 53 years old and has been smoking since age 20. Although it is common knowledge that cigarette smoking is bad for anyone’s health, he does not make any efforts to quit the habit. My mother has been encouraging him to quit for years but he has not made any serious efforts to stop the habit. I became more concerned about his habit as I read articles on the effects of cigarette smoking at the school library. Smoking can cause diverse diseases such as heart disease, cancer and chronic cough. These facts make me very concerned about my father’s health. I have taken to joining my mom often, to urge him to quit smoking. I love my father and would like him to give up this habit so that cigarette smoke will not damage his health.

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I also read about the danger of passive smoking. Passive smoking refers to the inhalation of cigarette smoke by a non-smoker. It is equally as dangerous as smoking. To give credit to my father, he only smokes outside the house and on the porch. However, the smell of cigarettes still drifts into our home. Sometimes, when he is outside smoking, we would all be talking together as a family. This means that the entire family gets to inhale the cigarette fumes at such times. I told my dad that he needs to consider smoking cessation programs for his health as well as that of the family.

My mother always tells my dad that smoking in front of the children is setting a poor example. She believes that his smoking might make it easier for my brother and I to adopt the habit. However, my mother gradually realized that I do not like smoking at all and would never adopt the habit. I always agree with her that it is a bad example and tell her always I would really love to see my father drop the habit. Not only is this dangerous for the family’s health, I am concerned that my younger brother might adopt the habit. Unlike my mother and I that tend to walk away when father starts smoking, my younger brother does not seem to mind the smoke at all.

Parental smoking is a very serious problem in any family. The health of the parent is at risk for many chronic diseases if the habit is not discontinued. The entire family is also put at risk from passive smoking. Furthermore, children might find it easier to be friends with smokers and adopt the habit, as well. I encourage my father as often as I can to join a smoking cessation program of some sort because I am worried about his health. Thankfully, he does not cough and has shown no signs of ill-health. From my research on smoking cessation, I know that if he stops smoking, he will reap numerous health benefits. This is why I am working hard to convince him to try a cessation program, including using a cessation patch.

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