
School Technology

612 words | 3 page(s)

In the future, technology will have many different effects on school. The technologies of today will be even more improved and there will be new technologies that develop between now the year 2030. These changes will have various economic, social, political, psychological and environmental impacts.

Changes to school technologies will have substantial economic effects. Those who receive a good education and can benefit from the technologies of the future will do better economically. Additionally, the classroom of the future will have many new technologies and these will be quite expensive. School technologies of 2030 will include 3d printing, sensors, cloud computers, and advanced monitors and computers. The school of the future will likely be much more expensive and have very expensive budgetary needs and this will be a big economic impact for many families. This may be especially concerning for those families or individuals in college that might be on the cusp of one type of education and one with better technology and better teachers. In the future, the economic class of a family may be much more of a factor in determining the quality of education that a person will receive.

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School technologies will change the dynamic of many different social aspects. Social networking has already become an important technology and it will obviously become more and more a part of one’s schooling. Facebook, for example, started on a college campus and helped keep individuals in touch with each other. This type of digital networking will become more and more important as technology advances. Individuals may start to rely more and more on social networking and it will be used for school groups and for people to express their individuality. In the future groups like PTA or after school groups for children will rely more on social networking and technology and this will change many different social norms.

School technologies will also have a variety of different political impacts. Under the Trump administration the new Secretary of Education is looking to voucherize public education. This could create a situation where people in the future will make sure to look for schools that are the most technologically advanced, because by 2030 we could see a lot of people moving away from the public school format of today. More and more people will be looking for choice in education and this will mean that school technologies will play a big role in politics and who is getting what in the classroom.

School technologies will also have some psychological impacts as well. Things like social media can impact the psychological health of an individual. The type of social group that a person identifies with will be impacted by social networking technologies. Another important psychological impact that increased school technologies will have is that people will be better educated and have access to far more information than in the past. This will be a psychological impact because people will better understand themselves and the world around them.

The environmental impacts of increased school technologies will be huge. There are two major developments for school technologies that should drastically help the environment. The first is that with 3d printing schools will save a lot on packaging for materials that they need for everyday lessons. This means less waste in the trash bin, which will be better for the environment. This same type of savings on waste will happen in the area of paper. As things go even more digital, there will be less paper waste. In the areas where paper waste cannot be eliminated increased technologies will make containers and packaging more environmentally friendly. The technologies that provide power for schools will also be improved by the year 2030.

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