
Wireless Technology in the Workplace

628 words | 3 page(s)

During this week’s discussion we talked about wireless technology and its application in the work environment. Throughout our weekly discussion, the participants had different and sometimes even opposing point of views. My teammates – Brandi and Sarah had their own unique opinions on the matter. They both come from different backgrounds and environments, so their views were very different. They provided their thoughts on the matter, including the pros and cons of applying wireless technology in the workplace.

Brandi works for a business, which actively employs technology. Their jobs require them to be constantly connected to each other and their databases. Their technicians and route drivers actively use PDA’s during their daily routines. The PDA’s are always linked to the network which has all necessary information, such as part numbers, and inventories. This way they can work faster and more efficiently. Brandi noted, however, that because there are age differences between the workers, some older workers refuse to use gadgets, which makes it difficult for the system to work at its best. Some workers are also trained less, which complicates the process. So, to conclude: in Brandi’s opinion, wireless technology is very useful in the work environment and specifically in her line of work. However, technology can sometimes be unreliable and fail, which periodically causes troubles.

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My other classmate – Sarah, works in a very different line of work. She works in an optical lab at the VA, so working for a government entity makes her a little bit more hesitant to use wireless technology. Wireless technology works in both directions: It can help distribute information quickly and effectively, but by using it you also run the risk or remote hacking and unwanted access to databases and private files. This worries Sarah, and hence she was opposed to mass access of employees to wireless technologies at the workplace. Despite the fact that Sarah was opposed to wireless technology in her line of work, she does not have a negative attitude towards it in general. She is only concerned about wireless technology at organizations or institutions, which deal with national security, the military etc. She believes that in most work environments, however, wireless technology and constant access to social media is a good think, which can greatly increase productivity.

My view of wireless technology also stems from my background and work specifics. My family business requires advertising and the search for potential clients, so wireless technology is a very effective tool for enhancing my business. In my line of work, I deal with marketing and advertising. Every day I find proof that using social media online advertising has a tremendously positive impact on a company’s success. If the managers and employees had constant access to the Internet, this would increase the success rate even more. By being always connected to the net, the managers could update their own departments with current events and pictures and respond to messages and inquiries faster, hence making them more effective. However, similar to my teammates, I agreed that wireless technology brings some problems, like the risk of someone uploading wrong content from the company page.

During the discussion, there were very different views about wireless technology in workplace. However, one thing united us all – we all agreed that wireless technology is a very effective tool for business and with appropriate application in the proper sectors it could bring great results. During the discussion I presented my own research on the topic and gave my opinion, based on my experience and the specifics of my work. My teammates and I analyzed the topic professionally and objectively: Every one of use considered the positive and negative sides of wireless technology and the benefits and problems it could bring for the work environment.

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