
Why Childhood Marriages Should Be Illegal

939 words | 4 page(s)

In today’s society, one practice which is frowned upon in the Western world, but still happens in places such as Africa is that of childhood marriages. Around the world today more than 700 million women entered into marriage when they were children. Of these 700 million women, 125 million of them currently live in Africa . Childhood marriages are a common occurrence in Africa with rates as high as 42% of girls married by age 18 in Central and West Africa to rates of 36% in Eastern and Southern Africa. There are several different factors which can contribute the high rate of childhood marriages. These include poverty, tradition and gender inequality. But one problem with childhood marriages is that these girls often lack the maturity to be fully aware of what is occurs . Therefore, because of age maturity, a child has not developed into a woman, and not having a choice to whom they marry, child marriages should be banned in any country.

One of the main reasons for the high level of childhood marriages in Africa has to do with tradition. For many generations, children have been married off. Often times these traditions continue because parents of young girls often fear that they will be excluded from the community if they do not continue to follow the traditions. As well, because of the extreme levels of poverty, many parents see marriage as a way to protect young girls and ensure her safety. By marrying off their children this helps to protect them from risks of sexual assault which would then lead to the child being ostracized and excluded from the community. Furthermore, high levels of poverty mean that many parents see the marriages as a way to not have to support the girl and as a way to generate money through a bride price. Due to gender inequality, young girls are often considered as undesirable and a burden on the family .

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However, previous research has shown that girls who are married off at a young age face a lifetime of challenges. Many of these challenges stem from their lack of maturity and their young age. One of the first challenges is that of lack of education. The younger the girl is when she gets married the less likely she is to be literate (5.7% per year) or obtain any amount of secondary education (5.6% per year). This lack of education means that girls who are married off at a young age have little options and are often forced to remain in negative situations as they have no means to be able to separate themselves from their husbands. As well this lack of education often means that they belief the situation they are in is the only option available to them and is normal .

Another negative consequence of childhood marriage has to do with the heath of these girls. These girls are often married to much older husbands who often have multiple wives. This puts them at an increased risk for obtaining HIV/AIDS. Because of poverty these conditions often remain untreated and lead to a shortened lifespan . Another contributing factor is that these women are often sexually assaulted by their husbands, and often have unprotected sex. This further increases their risk for complications from pregnancy, as girls under the age of 15 are five times more likely to die during childbirth than women who are greater than 20 years old .

Previous research has shown that children reach emotional and physical maturity at different ages. On a survey of girls, it was found that some girls were still pre-menstrual at the ages of 16-18 . However, many child brides are often younger than 15 years old, which means that they may not be physically mature . Furthermore, many researchers believe that full emotional maturity is not reached until the early 20s . As such childhood brides, often lack physical and emotional maturity. This makes them extremely susceptible to physical and emotional abuse. As well, childhood brides are forced into marriages and as such are not free to choose their husband .

It has been proposed that all across the world a minimum age of marriage of 18 be established. However, the decision of age 18 is subjective. But, according to most research this age will ensure that all women who are married are both emotionally and physically mature. In many places people must be 18 to vote. Therefore raising the age to 18 ensures that when a girl is married they are considered to be an adult in the eyes of the law .

When it comes to childhood marriages there are many detrimental affects which can occur to these young brides. Many lack education and are at an increased risk for death during childbirth and development of HIV. As well there is increased risk for violence, as they are often one of many wives of an older husband. As such, because these young girls lack both physical and mental maturity, it is important that the practice of childhood marriages be ended in Africa. While these marriages are based on tradition they are detrimental to the girls overall well being and also further propagate gender inequality. As such, we as a society need to work together to finally put an end to childhood marriages.

  • Arnett, J. J. (2006). Emerging adulthood: Understanding the new way of coming of age. Emerging adults in America: Coming of age in the 21st century, 22, 3-19.
  • Clark, S., Bruce, J., & Dude, A. (2006). Protecting young women from HIV/AIDS: the case against child and adolescent marriage. International family planning perspectives, 79-88.
  • Dapaah, C. (2016, September). Ending child marriage in Africa – What could be done?, International Council on Social Welfare Global Cooperation Newsletter. Retrieved from http://www.icsw.org

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