
Myself in 10 Years

600 words | 3 page(s)

As of now, these are the five beliefs that I am convinced are limiting me from achieving the aspired changes.
1) I do not believe that I am competent enough in my area of expertise. In the instances of professional intervention, it always seems that there is someone more competent and willing to contribute to the knowledge and expertise.
2) I am afraid that I will not serve my clients and understand their needs accurately.
3) I do not believe that my understanding of the environment of working with complex issues is good enough to experience professional growth.
4) I do not think the knowledge I currently have on the family and consumer environment would sustain much longer as the professional realm is very dynamic and there are a lot of changes.
5) I am not the type of person that everyone else around me will be satisfied with my inputs and presence.

In ten years from now, I believe that my attitude towards myself and my professional and personal competencies will change. I am eager to prove my competencies and come to an understanding that my ongoing efforts of training and schooling will generate the aspired outcomes and would contribute to my professional growth. In ten years from now, I hope that everyone around me will appreciate me as a top-notch expert. Most importantly, I hope to be valuing my competencies myself, without the need for recognition from someone externally.

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I have the skills of communication, organizing the work around me and I am a convinced believer in achieving changes holistically. I know how to dive into people’s psychological limitations and can explore ways for changing their attitudes. My skills come as a result of continuous training and in the aftermath of the conviction of the possible changes. In ten years from now, I manage to change my approach to the work I do and thus unite people around my visions for changes, too. Perhaps, confidence is the most important attributed skill that I possess and that I will be able to transfer on to others. As I am confident about my work and about serving my clients, I can spread that belief to the clients who are in need of my services and who demonstrate their appreciative attitude.

As to personal traits, I have a rather good sense of humor and can use this skill for analyzing the needs of others without making them feel offended. I also have a smile on my face most of the time and believe in the radiating power of a smile that will spread towards others. I believe that this personal trait will also show others that I am confident about what I am verbally translating to them, and it will give a positive sign towards reaching the aspired changes.

I have a self-trust mindset as I believe in the competencies that I have gained. At the same time, I have a patient mindset as I am always willing to listen to the needs of clients and accommodate their requests to the best of my ability. Like any profession, mine is rather demanding. Hence, I have a learning mindset and can always prove to my clients that the key to success lies in the ongoing learning effort. Once I prove my ability to learn and manage to convince others of such capacity, I would also grow professionally and demonstrate the efforts of creating a changing environment around me. I believe that my mindset as well as my skillset prove that I am an individual constantly determined to reach the aspired changes and unite clients around me.

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