
Globalization and AIDS Research Paper

888 words | 3 page(s)

The advent of information systems has accelerated the rate of globalization in the society today. Some of the common manifestations of the globalization are the increased rate of integration and interaction among companies, governments and people from various places across the world. The biggest driving force behind the globalization is the increased rate of sharing and receiving information among the networked parties on the global scale (ICAD, 2008). This has influence the cultures, politics and environmental aspects of the world. The structural and cultural dynamics related to globalization have influenced various activities related to HIV/AIDs in the society. Some of the factors that have been affected include the spread, control and management of the global disaster.

Globalization has been perceived to be enhancing the spread of HIV/AIDS both positively and negatively. The high rate of globalization has reduced the whole world into a small village along which people are able to meet and share various ideas that affect their lives (ICAD, 2008). However, the platforms along which the information is shared are very unsecure because of the lack of the proper structures that can be used in monitoring and regulating the information that is shared in the networks. As a result, this has contributed to the high rate of immorality in the society today which is one of the factors that are enhancing the fast spread of the epidemic.

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Globalization affects all aspects of human life that include wellbeing and health. The impact of the HIV epidemic has reiterated the nature of the human health on the global perspective (Hoosen & Hadingham, 2014). However, globalization and welfare of the human beings has been very instrumental towards the finding of a common solution to assist in identifying and controlling the challenges associated with human health across the globe. This is because there re numerous interactions la initiatives that have been formulated and implemented to assist in eradicating the global health hazard present by AIDS.

The governance of the HIV is one of the factors that have facilitated the strategic collaboration between the management initiatives globalization aspects. This included the enhancement of an open political space through sufficient monitoring an implementation of the strategies associated with the epidemic in the world. The globalization has facilitated the propagation of a global governance on issues associated with the health epidemic. This has assisted in the management of the several trends that are designed to manage the issues that are related to the AIDS epidemic (Hoosen & Hadingham, 2014). Harmonization of all aspects associated with the management of HIV has led to the creation of stronger strategies that are elemental in the management of the issues.

The globalization of the issues associated with HIV/AIDS has led to the escalation of the efforts to enhance the mobilization of the communal aspects that promote the spread of HIV/AIDS. The policies that are formulated at the global scale are based on numerous best practices and all the factors across the world into consideration while engaging all the parties involved (ICAD, 2008). The engagement of the international community assists in increasing the level of accountability in the professions who are enhanced in the matters that drive the health status of the world.

Globalization has presented effective mechanisms along which the global social determinants are managed. These determinants are very critical in the determination of the status of the epidemic in various places across the world. Some of the factors that have enhanced by globalization include access to information, security, public health services. These are the biological and social determinants that are mandatory to effective management t of the HIV concerns (ICAD, 2008). In this regards, the acquisition of standard planning and implementation of the plans is on of the factors that can be utilized to promote the identification and management of the risks associated with HIV/AIDS by the use of the responsible institutions and entities in the society.

The establishment of various global agencies to monitor and manage the activities related to HIV have made a lot of progress in alleviating the prevalence (ICAD, 2008). These agencies have formulated and implemented various networks across the world to assist in the acquisition of the funds and expertise that is very essential in the promoting good health and social behaviors across the world. Some of the areas of operation of these agencies is the identification of the areas that are highly predisposed to the infection of the HIV/AIDs and creating various strategies like promoting the level of awareness among the people to reduce the prevalence of the epidemic. The global interventions also assist in eliminating the historical weaknesses in the society and health systems that lead to the fast spread of the virus.

Therefore, globalization has assisted in the formulation and application of best practices to enhance the control and mitigation of HIV/AIDS. The emergence of sophisticated health information systems have facilitated high level of research that have assisted in the establishment of the trends of the virus and its prevalence across the globe (Hoosen & Hadingham, 2014). This is on of the strategies that is very crucial in the creative reliable measures that can enhance the management of HIV/AIDS. Globalization has also promoted the formulation of the global policies because of the strategic collaboration of all associated entities towards a common goal of reducing and eliminating the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.

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